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It looks like we'll never get rid of rogue trading completely in big banks. That's a huge problem. All big banks engage in some form of trading on the financial markets. It's part of the banking business in the same way as an electricity company is active on the electricity markets. ... Mar 24, 2016
Big Banks will always have Rogue Traders - Niklas Rosenberg
Niklas Rosenberg
https://niklasrosenberg.com › blog › big-banks-and-rogu...
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People also ask
- How do you deal with rogue traders?
- Is rogue trading a criminal Offence?
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How Can Banks Stop the Rogue Trader?
The Global Treasurer
https://www.theglobaltreasurer.com › 2008/04/01 › ho...
Apr 1, 2008 — Undoubtedly, banks will now be reviewing their internal controls to see what they have in place to catch events like the Societe Generale ...
Rogue Trader: What it is, How it Works, Examples
https://www.investopedia.com › ... › Definitions M - Z
Rogue traders often try to hide losses after making risky bets since there is a moral hazard situation: if the bet pays off they can earn huge bonuses, if it ...
Rogue traders will always bank on getting away with it
Financial Times
https://www.ft.com › ... › Financial & markets regulation
Nov 19, 2017 — Rogue traders will always bank on getting away with it. Risk officers need to stay sharp to fight malpractice. City workers use smartphones ...
Credit Suisse makes life a little harder for aspiring rogue ...
https://www.marketplace.org › 2011/12/15 › credit-sui...
Dec 15, 2011 — The move gives the bank more time to catch any aspiring rogue traders, if they are lurking within its ranks. Until now, Credit Suisse has ...
There are no rogue traders, there are only rogue banks
Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › 2011/09/20
Sep 24, 2011 — As history teaches us, there are no rogue traders; there are only rogue banks. Here's a news flash: If you issue credit, your working assumption ...
How To Prevent Rogue Trading
Yahoo Finance
https://finance.yahoo.com › news › prevent-rogue-tra...
Oct 24, 2011 — Rogue trading occurs when an employee of a bank or investment firm makes unauthorized trades in the name of his or her employer.
What makes a bank trader go rogue?
https://www.reuters.com › idINIndia-60153820111027
Oct 27, 2011 — A GREAT TRADER IS NOT A ROGUE TRADER The idea that rogue culture is inherent in banks was put forward as a key part of Kerviel's defence by his ...
Why rogue traders will never disappear
https://www.reuters.com › idUS125351697520111201
Dec 1, 2011 — Investment banks don't just hire the kind of people who are more likely to go rogue, they also encourage exactly the kind of trading that rogue ...
Are Banks Using Pattern Recognition to Find Rogue ...
https://www.forbes.com › tomgroenfeldt › 2011/09/25
Sep 25, 2011 — Some of the reports say the unauthorized trades go back to 2008, which would be a pretty long-term lapse in controls. Others say it shows that ...
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