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Company websites and literature show little activity related
to accelerated investment to counter climate change

Original PDF (4 pages) : Shell-2023-climate-target-25604.pdf

Original PDF (36 pages): Shell-2022-energy-transition-progress-report-25604.pdf
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
I grew up not far away from a rural distribution depot operated by 'ShellMex and BP'. This was a marriage of convenience ... or not ... that took place during WWII and was still in play around 1950 when I was 10 years old.

I had a friendly relationship with this outpost of the big and powerful oil industry. At the end of the workday, I helped ... or hindered ... the delivery truck drivers to wash their tanker trucks and helped ... or not ... the managers take inventory of the stock of various grades of petrol and diesel in the tanks. This involved reporting the 'dip-stick' content of each of the storage tanks.

Years later I married the daughter ... Madeline ... of the British manager of a Shell distribution facility in Egypt in the pre-Nasser era. He and his family were ejected from Egypt when Nasser nationalized the British oil interests. They settled in the UK and Canada. I met Madeline in London in the 1960s when I was in my 20s!

Over time I have been impressed and disgusted by the behavior of the dominent corporate players in the energy industry. Some of the techology is really impressive. Much of the companies' corporate behavior is appalling.

In the 1970s, 80s and 90s I spend some of my working time in Nigeria ... specifically in the Niger Delta region where oil companies were extracting crude oil. All of the international oil companies were behaving atrociously and nothing at all was being doing to hold them to account.

One of the assignments I worked on was in connection with the issues being faced by the indigenous fishing industry in the Niger Delta.
Peter Burgess

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