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Some update from October 9th 2023

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
I have subscribed to a 'Bloomberg' Internet news service after a lot of hesitation. Their reporting is usually very supportive of any and all aspects of 'financialization' which is the business of most of the users of the Bloomberg news systems. As a 'Trade News' service, Bloomberg is comprehensive, but for me its reporting is seriously compremised because it sees everything through a very simplistic lens. If it makes money, it must be good!
Peter Burgess
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  • Africa Is Front and Center at IMF as US-China Rivalry Heats Up ... by Ekow Dontoh, Mirette Magdy and Alister Bull
  • Zombie Viruses Are Waking Up After 50,000 Years as Planet Warms ... by Liza Tetley and Bhuma Shrivastava
  • Corporate America Is Ignoring Jay Powell and Bingeing on Debt ... by Olivia Raimonde
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  • General Economy And Kwacha Banknotes As Zambia Seeks To Reverse World's Worst Currency Performance ... IMF Sees $6.3 Billion Zambia Debt Deal ‘Imminent’
  • Key Speakers on Day Three of COP27 Climate Conference ... IMF to Conduct Key Egypt Consultations Once Loan Review Complete

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