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Follow up after CAW Meeting in New York at Siegfried November 15th 2023

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY

Peter Burgess

My family has been chatting about this for three quarters of a century. Accidentally my dad became The Economist’s correpondent in 1951 for the intelligence engines’ intents of Neumann-Einstein-Turing (NET)

All had curiously open systems reasons for seeing tech spinning exponentially for better or worse. IT was agreed with The Economist editor that his journalists would be trained to only debate tech’s better futures in race to outlast bad future. See eg this update question to executive producer of Bletchley AI Safety Summit World Series (first 3 within 12 months)

# Coincidences for 1943 scenesetting

My dad ( was spending his last days as a teenager as navigatir allied bomber command Burma campany. He was lucky to sutvive and his attitude was it was the worst job any teenager could ever have. Want to spend my life on better livelihoods for teens up. His dad had his education interrupted by World War 1 as had many diaspora Scots of these 2 generations

The NET saw the term 'top secret' coined in 1943. While understaning this was needed in atom bomb race, they wanted this to be first and last 'top secret' public servants ever administrated

Geoffrey Crowther as editor of The Economist edited a centenary biography of The Economist 1843-1943. Had The Economist failed in intention to help Queen Victoria as Royal Society’s chatsheet designed to change from ruling slavemaking empire to commonwealth. Geofffrey concluded both economists and media men had not proactively foreseen exponential consequences of engineering. Human futures would be locked in by artificial (i.e. man-made) engine systems. This echoed the philosophical logics of both Keynes and Adam Smiths ethical books. That’s why Geoffrey sent dad to spend 1951 at Princeton & NY Wall Street & UN

Optional why Queen Vicrtoria wanted help.

She had become monarch at age of 18 when UK with 1% of global people was ruling 23% of peoples and 23% of land.

This was after 1776 when Americans who started as 1/3% of world’s population declared they would market their own natural resources (5% of earth) versus 1/1000 of earth of the English-speaking island).

1792 had seen the French as main rival designer of Empire cut off the heads of Kings and Queens.

At least 3 strange worlds could be seen in London in 1843 when founder of Economist in London was Scot James Wilson who sought Queen Victoria’s confidence.

Parliament was stuffed with vested interests whose Corn Law was starving up to third of Irish.

The worlds worst company Anglo-Dutch East Indies Company had doubled down on gunboats etc owning ever more of Asia’s coastlines.

Oddly English as commonwealth intelligence legacy was set to be dominant language of both professions and engineering

INVITATION help game Intelligence for Good
  • Move 1:
  • List who you see as advancing humanity most since 1950 and accelerating advances
  • now Discuss with peer networks.
  • Try out some of our gameboards where we try and match win-wins
  • One example playing Bingo or Tic Tac Toe
  • Grid offers 9 win map in one: 8 lines as well as centre with 4 corners.

We can eg see the 3 win dimensions of allumni of NET on media, education, and profession of deep data leadership. See father’s bio of Von Neumann. We can update what we call AI-WHY (Womens*Humans*Youth) when 1984’s two first designers of PC networking asked for 2001 intelligence of person who had most empowered bottom billion Asian womens to net SDG solutions out of deep village (no electricity) poverty of 20th century but now linking millennial leapfrog design partner platforms of solar and mobile

We can update again 2015-16 onwards with system transformer design called for at same time as UN declaration of 17 SDGs.

We call this gov2 design FIG (Foundation models; youth’s Intercapital collaboration intellugences; Gov2.0)

Example Gates Family:

although Gates started devoting his life to foundations of end poverty shaped by education and health from 2001 - it is only recently he has said AI can be designed to be every person personalised learning agent.

Musk and Sunak have stated something similar.

Back in 1984 The Economist’s 33rd year of mediating the NET published 2025 Report - hypotheises tranformation of education

would be main determinant of millennials as first sustainabity/extinction generation

So while we agree good AI could now be designed so that the most popular

1001 llm = personalsed learning agent.

Urgent question is: What social entreprenurial revolutions would be needed.

This is where Game of who you see as designing intelligence round this deepest priority matters.

Here are some nominations- among those brainworking out of west, 5 people know humans Ai as they first openly designed its deep data and algorithms :
  • fei-fei li ,
  • hsassabis,
  • yann lecun,
  • Geoffrey Hinton,
  • Bengio.
Seeing where naional or UN policy panels involves this first five of HAI is critical 23-24 knowhow.

Whilst womens AI started around Fazle Abed, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates in 2001, Melinda Gates has become the most active living community connector; see her book series Moments of Lift; Note 2015 she got CEO of Nvidia to join her in sponsoring Fei-Fei Li AI-4-ALL including 10 schools ai curricula. In 2017 She chaired editing of Gutteres UN2 road mappping ; This had started in 2016 as movement to transform connections (end silos) between education, technologists and those in UN with last mile service knowhow eg agri goal 2 out of Rome, health’s WHO Geneca which is also where the UN coordinates next design of communications engines (ITU since 1865) . Since 2020 her publication of womens intelligence book include Fei-Fei Li and in February 2024 Dear Black Girls by basketball superstar LA Aces A’Ja Wilson. Also alongside Melinda Gates Foundation, WAI has 35 year old Prisilla Chan who runs the western girl and biohealth foundation with most money and tech connectivity

Youth AI is more complex but as far as Silicon Valley transformation to intelligence valleys its people like MOOC founders Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller, and 2 Taiwanese Americans who invested their billion in Stanford Labs Longest is Jerry Yang (founder of Yahoo) since 2007, deepest as far as neuro science goes Mrs Clara Wu Tsai also Brooklyn's deepest supporter of black girl power

Awkwardly, it took 55 years for neurscience to wholly value computation vision model The NET had favored 1940’s neural networking. In 2012 . the value of deep computer vision pre-training was first proved by hundreds of teams who had joined in Fei-Fei Li annual competition imagenet. How do we program computers to see the 20000 entities humans live and produce with.

Links 2018 testimony to congress by Fei-Fei Li and openAI

Uk gov minister producing Bletchley +2 AI world safety summits

Li and Hassabis were two 20 something in the 2000s whose doctorates newly fused computing and neuroscience. Those whose AI contributions match there’s needs auditing as a transformation all of its own kindness and logic.

Catch 22 now that Li and Hassabis had proved leaps in what machines vision pretrialing could do, at congress 2018 li reported visioning text basically by accessing worlds libraries was going to bet million times more computer power and almost unlimited investments. That what the chats are. While there could be what I’d like to see as an ed chat valuing each humans' identity, nobody really know what the humdreds biggest chats now are. However each appears to need upward of 5 billion dollars of computing resources. Big corparates are racing ahead in this games – are there any confederations of place governemnts and the professions?

Melinda Gares bookclub and a diary of where her book and the un global youth futures assembly 23-4 intersects

Questioning the good consequences of ai bletchley world series – #2 korea 5 nmonths after bengio report; paris 11 months (please note asian peculaitity back in 2017 j ma announced at world economic fiorum his intent to return full time to education by 2020 and to launch this with sponsorship of japan olympics – for many reasons this did not happen; and its not clear what paris AI safety summit vov 2025 wil bring (before or after us election??

Beyond Fei-Fei Li the 3 main professors who trained human ai studients form 2012 are all french-english dual language speaking

My family’s personal experince has been since 1962 first japan and then all rwo thirds of humans who are asian have coscuous views of intel and data different from the west. There are many reasins why software coding has mainly been an english language game. We are in process of obtaining open source permission of japanese-asean example- trying to discuss intelligence design of peoples finnacial services across Asean rsvp macrae/burgess (

Bard can be used to check out these worlds I see examples first poublished in the economist which we are also trying to blogup at –

unfortunately no continuity with economist since 1990- dad retired to write for some other newspapers but primarily to do biography of von neumann; the 2 people he trusted as his successors in asia and economist inteeligence unit sadly died in sporting accidents; but it is true my dad had a difficult first 13 years in traing journalists on good –

he didn’t know all of the net would be gone by 1957; his ideas were accepted by jfk kennedy who was assinated before the hoped for reapprichemnt of kennedy and today’s 2 kings of empire charles and Japan Royal family with japan tech 1964 including inviting Sony to be first iniward investor in europe; japan olympics was also first live global satellute -those in Tokyo could have benchamked bullet trans ans containerisation impact on sme coastal belt value chains as well as the 2 americans who open sourced knowhow borlaug agricultire; Deming quality engineering

Green revolutionary reconciliations charles japan royal family abed dutch royal family cooperation project 28/30 of south asia womens intelligence expected by abed university cooperation womens net

Concluding Question

  • Is it possible that AI accounting needs to intgrate/map 4 curremcies
  • Monetary
  • How we spend peoples life times
  • How we spend community’s data through every GPS
  • How we integrate nature’s coastline assets and whatever infrastructures winwin trade needs to map

Bill Gates Ai is about to completely change eduxation

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