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Orogamis: Experience-Led Growth Strategy
Why it is the future of Customer Engagement

Open PDF :
Open copy PDF : CAW-OROGAMIS-Experience-led-growth-strategy.pdf (26303)
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
This is a 26 page PDF presentation and quite thought provoking.

I was struck by the structure of the argument ... a put down of what is going on in the tech world, followed by a pitch that is almost exactly the same as the put-down.

Of course this is a bit of 'sour grapes' on my side. I like to think that I have a 'better idea' which may be true ... but for all practical purposes my ideas have been completely unsuccessful in getting much traction ... any traction ... for more than two decades.

I have been interested in management and metrics going back to a very young age. What I learned as a young student engineer at Cambridge has been foundational for a lot of my thinking ever since. The Cambridge Mechanical Sciences Tripos when I was a student had a strong focus on measurement which as students we learned to apply in every conceivable situation. Professor Baker ... who was the head of the Department at the time was an expert in structural design metrics which were very different from the metrics of thermodynamics and energy and different again from the mathematics of flows and the characteristics of materials.

Cambridge Mechanical Sciences did not teach me much about people and society. However, I was able to learn something beyond engineering by also engaging as an undergraduate with the Cambridge Economics Department including taking the exams reasonably successfully. I was around the Cambridge Economics Department when Joan Robinson was in her prime and John Maynard Keynes remained very influential in the Department. Econometrics was just emerging. After engineering, I was struck by the growing use of numerical analysis in economic analysis with almost none of the numbers starting off coming from any meaningful reliable measurement. My impression was that many otherwise competent people were in a position to choose the economic data that would deliver the answer they were looking for to support their hypothesis. More than 60 years later, I still see vestiges of this problem among senior economic policy makers and advisors.

One of the nice things about having been interested in engineering and technology from childhood through college and into my adult lifetime is following the amazing progress of the products that are now being produced and in use.

Not so nice has been following the rather poor progress of the human condition caused in large part by poor decisions by a lot of the people with wealth, power and influence.

Now ... in early 2024 ... there is a small community of people who own more wealth than any group ever ... with this wealth continuing to accumulate at record speeds. Nobody seems to understand how this is damaging quality of life for most everyone else. Worse, there is more misinformation now flowing through our global society so that serious efforts to sort out this problem are not getting fixed but further aggravated!

Peter Burgess

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