'Russia is going out of business' as 'staggering losses' cause manpower shortages | Diane Francis
Times Radio
Jun 20, 2024
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Frontline | The War in Ukraine and Global Security
'The losses, apparently are staggering in Russia. Not that he gives a damn. but the point is that the noose tightens.'
Tightening international sanctions and distancing by allies like China are leaving Putin in a risky position as losses continue to rise in Ukraine, journalist and author Diane Francis tells Kate Gerbeau on Frontline.
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- 0:00
- think that you know we're seeing the
- Incredible Shrinking Russian image here
- uh you know between that that showcase
- uh conference he hels holds every year
- and the poor attendance by global South
- Nations also including India and others
- and the fact that you know he's making a
- 0:18
- big uh deal about visiting a pariah in
- 0:22
- North Korea uh indicates and and the
- 0:25
- fact that he he'll be arrested he he
- 0:27
- couldn't go to the brics conference he
- 0:29
- couldn't go to the G 20 because he faces
- 0:31
- arrest as a war criminal I mean it's the
- 0:34
- Incredible Shrinking Putin and his
- 0:36
- Empire that I hope we're seeing and that
- 0:38
- seems to be obvious and he makes a big
- 0:41
- Fanfare in lots of Pomp and Circumstance
- 0:44
- and lots of propaganda and rhetoric but
- 0:46
- the fact remains that that country is
- 0:49
- going to go out of
- 0:51
- business hello and welcome to front line
- 0:53
- for times radio with me K jao and this
- 0:55
- time we are catching up with Diane
- 0:57
- Francis a senior fellow at the Atlantic
- 0:59
- Council in Washington she's editor at
- 1:02
- large with the National Post newspaper
- and has a bestselling substack with
- regular updates on geopolitics including
- the war in Ukraine and Putin's Russia
- Diane welcome back good to see you again
- good to see you yeah we're going to talk
- 1:16
- a little bit about your latest article
- 1:18
- on your substack in a moment but first I
- 1:19
- wanted to talk about President Putin's
- 1:21
- first trip to North Korea in more than
- 1:23
- two decades what are your takeaways from
- 1:26
- the meeting with Kim
- 1:28
- Jong-un well I think that this is a guy
- 1:30
- who's becoming increasingly
- 1:32
- Reliant to get ammunition and missiles
- 1:36
- from a country and he's M paying a a
- 1:38
- courtesy call just to make sure that the
- 1:41
- that the arrangement continues and
- 1:44
- probably that it
- 1:46
- expands and possibly also to recruit
- 1:49
- workers from from North Korea to work in
- 1:53
- the factories in Russia where they have
- 1:55
- Manpower shortages because of the war
- 1:58
- and lastly I think it's also to kind of
- 2:01
- rattle everybody's cage a little bit
- because North Korea is kind of scary uh
- and it it actually it makes the whole
- region in Asia nervous and so the fact
- that he sort of gives uh Kim a laying on
- of hands and a legitimacy makes him even
- more scary and and is kind of a a rebuke
- to China Japan South Korea and America
- 2:26
- so they've signed this agreement which
- 2:28
- provides Mutual assistance in the case
- 2:30
- of aggression against one of the parties
- 2:32
- what does that mean in practice I mean
- 2:34
- does it amount to much Beyond a pact for
- 2:36
- paranoid Paras or or should we be taking
- 2:38
- it much more seriously well you know
- 2:42
- look it's it's a NATO agreement I mean
- 2:44
- NATO has has its agreement uh you know
- 2:47
- an attack on one is an attack on all
- 2:50
- with the exception now of Mr Mr orbon
- 2:52
- apparently he doesn't have to
- 2:54
- participate uh in helping uh attack
- 2:57
- people that have been uh been attacked
- 2:59
- by by an enemy but that aside uh it's
- 3:03
- it's a it's kind of a standard
- boilerplate security bilateral uh and
- you know it's interesting though that he
- did it he didn't do it right after he
- went to China he did it separately
- because apparently the Chinese said we
- don't want to be put on the same level
- 3:20
- you do what you want to do but we don't
- 3:22
- want it tacked on as that we're equally
- 3:24
- important so you know it's I think it's
- 3:26
- a climb down for for Putin uh and you
- 3:29
- know this is a Scourge this this country
- 3:31
- North Korea starves its people it it's
- 3:34
- an awful Place hardly and worthy
- 3:38
- Ally so is the real concern how much
- 3:41
- support Putin might offer or feel he has
- 3:44
- to offer North Korea in terms of missile
- 3:46
- and nuclear weapons that's prog
- 3:48
- supporting that program in return for
- 3:50
- for badly needed ammunition as you spoke
- 3:52
- about earlier oh yeah he's going to
- 3:54
- Share technology with them but you got
- 3:56
- to remember too that there's constraints
- 3:59
- in side North Korea as to the number of
- 4:01
- people who can adapt and uh develop and
- improve any technology information
- they're given I mean how they have
- actually been able to develop a nuclear
- weapon is and and have missiles that
- that deliver it some distance is quite
- shocking given the fact that you know
- the P place is a is a gulg where people
- are starving and I don't I just don't
- know how any of that sort of thing gets
- 4:25
- done except to you know deny its
- 4:28
- citizenry and spend all of its money on
- 4:30
- these these military um
- 4:34
- toys how worried should South Korea be
- 4:37
- about this very uh that was another
- 4:40
- message uh you know South Korea has very
- 4:44
- indirectly become one of the largest
- 4:47
- providers of ammunition to Nato the
- 4:49
- United States and Ukraine uh among the
- 4:52
- Western Alliance if I can include them
- 4:55
- in the Western Alliance which you can
- 4:57
- along with Japan they are one of the
- 4:59
- world's biggest artillery makers and
- 5:01
- Munitions makers and an enormously
- enormously powerful and Wealthy country
- that that really is a that that
- embarrasses or should embarrass North
- Korea and so you know there's an intense
- rivalry there they don't have nuclear
- weapons but they have American troops on
- 5:20
- the ground and I think they're going to
- 5:22
- end up with nuclear weapons frankly and
- 5:24
- I think Japan will
- 5:26
- too uh I mean South Korea has described
- 5:30
- this whole thing as absurd and it's
- 5:32
- complained about about the development
- 5:35
- of this this Alliance it it's also
- 5:38
- reported to be considering or
- 5:40
- threatening even withdrawing that the
- 5:42
- supply of Munitions that you mentioned
- 5:44
- earlier which could affect
- 5:47
- Ukraine it could affect Ukraine um South
- 5:51
- Korea is really very much in mesed in
- 5:54
- the alliance against to to contain China
- 5:58
- uh and and and and and Russia too
- 6:01
- Russia's not far away so I think that
- what uh what you've got is you've got a
- a pygmy K Kingdom which is what North
- Korea is called called which South Korea
- would gladly take over and and develop
- but is at odds with uh just to give you
- an idea of the difference I mean it's
- almost laughable the GDP of all of North
- Korea is only one quarter of the
- 6:26
- revenues that Samsung Korea's gigantic
- 6:29
- electri ICS firm makes a year you know
- 6:32
- it's it's just it's it's inconsequential
- 6:35
- except that he has developed a nuclear
- 6:37
- bomb which gives him
- 6:40
- status let's turn now to to your latest
- 6:42
- piece in your substack series and it's
- 6:44
- looking at something not really reported
- 6:46
- in the western media a Ukrainian Special
- 6:48
- Forces attack on Russian mercenaries in
- 6:50
- the goolan Heights in Southwestern Syria
- 6:53
- what happened and why were they
- 6:55
- targeted they were targeted because the
- 6:58
- ukrainians have been monitoring the
- 7:00
- Russians wherever they are and they've
- around the world the Vagner mercenaries
- as well as Russian Special Forces and
- they had noted that increasing numbers
- and this is going back for a while
- increasing numbers of recruits were
- 7:17
- being trained recruits from the Middle
- 7:19
- East Africa wherever were being trained
- 7:22
- in Syria by
- 7:23
- Russians Russian mercenaries and
- 7:25
- Russians and they were given Russian
- 7:27
- passports and they were shipped up to
- 7:29
- Ukraine to fight against ukrainians in
- 7:31
- the war and so they were concerned about
- 7:33
- this and so they decided to uh dismantle
- 7:37
- the training operations and they and
- 7:39
- they and they pretty much did uh and
- 7:42
- this was uh this was a very important
- 7:44
- and necessary thing to do but what it
- 7:47
- opened up my eyes to and should to the
- 7:49
- rest of the world is that Russia is
- 7:52
- using Syria which is a failed State I
- 7:55
- mean was absolutely ruined in the Civil
- 7:57
- War that began in 2011
- 8:00
- but it occupies a big part of the
- country has military bases there we
- don't know how many thousands of
- soldiers and they're they're exporting
- all kinds of terrorism and problems and
- the indication was that the Ukrainian
- had ukrainians had had seen that uh
- mercenaries in Syria were training uh in
- 8:19
- ooc before October 7th to attack Israel
- 8:22
- told Israel Israel did not heed the
- 8:25
- warning and the rest is history and so
- 8:28
- they were doing this to attack a source
- 8:31
- of of training and and terrorism coming
- 8:35
- out of Syria uh by by Russia and they
- 8:39
- just wanted to interdict and it seems
- 8:42
- that this attack by Ukrainian Special
- 8:44
- Forces was was carried out without any
- 8:46
- complaint from Bashar al-assad the
- 8:49
- Syrian
- 8:50
- president I I don't know I don't read
- 8:53
- his press I don't even think he has
- 8:55
- press uh look it's a failed State
- 8:58
- essentially in return for getting help
- 9:01
- from Moscow to fight the Democratic
- forces in Syria in their Civil War he
- seeded Russia probably I don't know a
- third or half the land it's just it's a
- no man's land that Russia occupies and
- it uses as a staging ground it also uh
- 9:18
- is is now getting into uh other other
- 9:22
- aspects it's now moving uh armaments to
- 9:27
- Libya this is its next attempt to move
- 9:30
- closer and circle Europe frankly and
- 9:34
- they hope to establish a military a
- 9:36
- naval base in in Libya where there's a
- 9:38
- dictator who's kind of out of control
- 9:41
- and and you know that's got a lot of
- 9:43
- people and should get a lot of people in
- 9:44
- NATO concern because they could they
- 9:47
- could attack Europe easily from Libya
- 9:49
- that's their next move so just just how
- 9:52
- significant is Syria at the moment as a
- 9:55
- base from which Russia can project power
- 9:59
- in region and influence I think it's
- 10:02
- it's enormously important I think
- Ukraine's the first to recognize and do
- something about it I think others the
- West Israel for sure should be getting
- involved in attacking of course if
- Israel attacks Syria then you've got a a
- 10:16
- bigger a wider war in the Middle East
- 10:19
- however uh they are also uh the Vagner
- 10:22
- mercenaries are trained there and they
- 10:24
- are now positioned in many countries
- 10:26
- mostly in French Africa in the s hell
- 10:30
- where they are stoking insurrections and
- 10:32
- Civil Wars and so it's just a a like a
- 10:36
- node in a metastasis and that's what
- 10:39
- they're using it for and they're
- 10:41
- exporting trouble including drugs
- 10:44
- they're exporting drugs from there and
- 10:47
- when you mention um Russia Russian
- 10:49
- forces or Russian mercenaries moving
- 10:51
- into Libya and the threat that it poses
- 10:53
- to n to Nato and to European security
- 10:56
- can you just describe how you see that
- 10:58
- threat
- 10:59
- well the isw The Institute uh um for War
- 11:04
- The Institute for studies in war out of
- Washington as well as others have noted
- the fact that you know Europe NATO
- cannot abide having on its Southern
- flank a naval base with potentially
- nuclear submarines that could launch
- 11:19
- nuclear missiles against the southern FL
- 11:22
- flank of of of you know of Europe in
- 11:25
- Libya Libya also they've warned is a is
- 11:30
- a place that is facilitating the
- 11:33
- weaponization of migration into Europe
- 11:36
- from African countries boatloads of
- 11:38
- people are leaving from Libya the Libyan
- 11:40
- dictator is apparently allowing this or
- 11:43
- profiting from it and this is
- 11:45
- destabilizing to Europe it's another
- 11:47
- weapon and it's something that Russia's
- 11:50
- used for quite a while so it really does
- 11:53
- uh escalate and extend shall we say the
- 11:56
- warfront way Beyond Ukraine
- 12:00
- let's talk now a little bit about about
- China which was heavily criticized after
- the G7 Summit where a communic called on
- Beijing to stop supplying weapons
- technology to Moscow and oppose China's
- militarization in the Pacific do you
- think China has any interest in the War
- 12:16
- ending in
- 12:18
- Ukraine yes and no um I don't think that
- 12:23
- China apart from making some trade benef
- 12:26
- having some trade benefits and the
- 12:28
- biggest trade benefits China is not that
- 12:31
- they're selling weapons they're not
- 12:32
- directly selling weapons but what
- 12:34
- they're getting is cheap oil gobs of
- 12:37
- cheap oil from Russia which has been
- 12:39
- sanctioned from other countries and
- 12:40
- banned in other countries so that's
- 12:43
- helpful and then with the money that
- 12:45
- with the with them that to help pay for
- 12:48
- the oil oil that they buy from Russia
- 12:50
- they're selling refrigerators and toys
- 12:52
- and cars and all sorts of things from
- 12:55
- their manufacturing base so it's a very
- 12:58
- beneficial and they're trade benefits
- 13:00
- far away the benefits that Russia gets
- selling oil to them but you know the oil
- sales to Russia to to China and India
- are are mostly financing Putin's War
- because he can't sell sell the stuff uh
- to Europe any longer so you know this is
- 13:17
- this is the uh this is the tradeoff
- 13:20
- China is playing very careful carefully
- 13:23
- and I've also uh I really really believe
- 13:26
- that China is playing a waiting game
- 13:29
- because Russia is weakening itself with
- 13:31
- this war it's suicidal economically
- 13:34
- they're taking advantage but they're not
- 13:35
- going too far they keep making friendly
- 13:38
- talks with Europe and and America
- 13:40
- because that's where their customers are
- 13:42
- and so I think China is playing a
- 13:44
- waiting game hoping that Russia loses
- 13:47
- the war Andor is defeated and then it's
- 13:50
- very possible they can get Manchuria
- 13:52
- back which is something that they have
- 13:54
- long since talked about 200 years ago
- 13:57
- was swiped from China by a are and they
- 14:00
- want M manua back which includes Vlad
- VTO by the way and we talked about that
- didn't we Diane at last time that we
- spoke um how would you judge Uh current
- relations between China and Russia
- because they did not send us and you
- wrote about this as well a significant
- 14:15
- delegation to the St Petersburg
- 14:17
- International Forum Russia's Davos which
- 14:19
- actually coincided with D-Day
- 14:21
- commemorations and Putin was saying
- 14:23
- Russia was fostering an alternative uh
- 14:25
- to the American dominated Global
- 14:27
- Financial order but what did the
- 14:29
- attendants say about his influence and
- 14:32
- that alternative well I think that you
- 14:35
- know we're seeing the Incredible
- 14:36
- Shrinking Russian image here uh you know
- 14:39
- between that that showcase uh conference
- 14:42
- he hels holds every year and the poor
- 14:45
- attendance by global South Nations also
- 14:48
- including India and others and the fact
- 14:51
- that you know he's making a big uh deal
- 14:54
- about visiting a pariah in North Korea
- 14:58
- uh indic Ates and and the fact that he
- 15:00
- he'll be arrested he he couldn't go to
- the brics conference he couldn't go to
- the G20 because he faces arrest as a war
- criminal I mean it's the Incredible
- Shrinking Putin and his Empire that I
- hope we're seeing and that seems to be
- obvious and he makes a big Fanfare in
- lots of Pomp and Circumstance and lots
- 15:19
- of propaganda and rhetoric but the fact
- 15:21
- remains that that country is going to go
- 15:24
- out of
- 15:25
- business because um you know he's wanted
- 15:28
- by the ice CC but he he's able to travel
- 15:31
- to Vietnam and that is one of the one of
- 15:33
- the complaints I think perhaps unsa
- 15:36
- about him making these kind of trips the
- 15:38
- moment it kind of normalizes him as a
- 15:41
- leader or or that is that what he's
- 15:42
- attempting to do at least I think
- 15:45
- exactly that I think that's what I am a
- 15:47
- leader I have I have state dinners
- 15:50
- thrown for me there's popping
- 15:52
- circumstances I get to review their
- 15:54
- troops I'm a big deal that that's what
- 15:56
- it is and he's got to keep that going
- 16:00
- so the G7 Summit agreed to release $50
- billion worth of profits on Frozen
- Russian assets by way of a loan to
- Ukraine and the EU has now agreed a 14th
- sanctions package against Russia to
- further deny Russia access to key
- Technologies strip it at further energy
- revenues tackle it Shadow Fleet and
- 16:18
- Shadow banking Network how much is that
- 16:21
- going to hurt Putin and is in a
- 16:24
- circle I think that hurts them uh the
- 16:27
- news is tightening there's no question
- 16:28
- question diplomatically
- 16:31
- economically and and militarily the the
- 16:34
- weapons are flowing uh the ukrainians
- 16:36
- are doing better the losses apparently
- 16:39
- are staggering in Russia not that he
- 16:41
- gives a damn uh but the point is that
- 16:44
- the news Titans I think the assets is
- 16:46
- very important it's a very important
- 16:48
- first step and that of course uh is
- 16:51
- going to Rattle his inner circle because
- 16:54
- it was threatened but they didn't
- 16:56
- believe they'd do it and they've kind of
- 16:57
- done it but not
- 16:59
- seizing the ass they haven't confiscated
- 17:02
- the assets and they haven't done that
- because they don't want to start uh you
- know creating a precedent where the
- world doesn't like Americans and they
- seize American Assets in their inside
- their country so that was the reason for
- that but this is a blow and I would like
- to see the next blow I would really like
- 17:20
- to see his oligarchy go gone after I
- 17:24
- would like to see them harassed and
- 17:26
- denied visas and stripped of
- 17:30
- citizenships and you know just generally
- 17:32
- repelled around the world uh have their
- 17:35
- properties seized have to fight for them
- 17:38
- in court uh I think that that would they
- 17:42
- don't have power but I think that that
- 17:44
- could help uh rattle the regime in in in
- 17:49
- Russia a little bit there's also an
- 17:52
- argument that you could put pressure on
- 17:54
- Russia into ending the war in Ukraine by
- 17:56
- putting immediate financial pressure on
- 17:58
- it not not only in the ways we've just
- 18:00
- talked about but enforcing it to pay
- Ukraine damages how would that
- work well I guess they'd have to to just
- uh I I don't know the mechanism I don't
- know who would be doing the assessments
- and collections I guess through the
- United Nations which did this before
- 18:18
- with in the Kuwait Iraq situation the
- 18:21
- United Nations took over and demanded
- 18:24
- reparations uh from Iraq for invading
- 18:27
- Kuwait and got them 2 billion it took
- 18:30
- time they set up committees there's a
- 18:31
- process it's all in place it has to be
- 18:34
- done through the United Nations the C
- 18:36
- the the catch is that the United Nations
- 18:39
- security Council policed that uh
- 18:42
- reparations collection and you know uh
- 18:46
- Pudo has enjoys a veto that's another
- 18:48
- thing that must be addressed Russia has
- 18:51
- to be kicked out of the United Nations
- 18:53
- permanently no questions asked
- 18:56
- gone let's just return again to the same
- 18:58
- pie of International Forum because pu
- 19:00
- Putin also said his forces were
- prevailing on the battlefield in Ukraine
- how strong do you think the resolve of
- NATO allies is now to make sure they
- don't Prevail and they support Ukraine
- to deliver a catastrophic defeat to
- Russia I think they're frightened I
- think they get it I think Germany even
- 19:20
- gets it uh you know they excuse me
- 19:23
- Germany Germany is psychiatrically a
- 19:26
- mess frankly I mean they really don't
- 19:29
- want it the the word War uh terrifies
- 19:33
- them I mean it's post-traumatic stress
- 19:35
- disorder because the war completely
- 19:37
- destroyed their country and their people
- 19:39
- and everything they stood for uh and and
- 19:42
- nearly ruined the world so they really
- 19:45
- avoid it to the best extent they can but
- 19:50
- now they are also starting to pull their
- 19:53
- weight certainly financially and also in
- 19:55
- terms of arms provisions and macron has
- 19:58
- led this
- 19:59
- and you know he's also got some issues
- 20:01
- but that's a different story uh the
- Europeans are very very strong and uh
- you know led by the baltics Poland
- Netherlands who it looks like is going
- to provide the next head of NATO Mark
- Ruta and uh you know they're they're
- very strong and very supportive so I I
- 20:22
- think that there's very little chance
- 20:24
- that the Europeans will Wayne
- 20:28
- you mentioned Mark Rutter um the Dutch
- 20:31
- prime minister the outgoing Dutch prime
- 20:33
- minister um he is going to be the next
- 20:36
- NATO secetary General with the
- 20:37
- withdrawal of the the only other
- 20:39
- candidate in the ring Romanian president
- 20:41
- class oanes um he will take over the job
- 20:44
- at a crucial time just over a month
- 20:47
- before the US presidential elections
- 20:49
- good news I
- 20:50
- presume it's very good news because Ruta
- 20:53
- has established himself uh on the right
- 20:57
- side of this war uh the Netherlands has
- 21:00
- has provided I mean they've just opened
- up their arsenals and handed over
- they're handing over all their
- f-16s uh they have done an enormous job
- diplomatically and financially to
- support the cause of fighting Russia so
- he will be a an appropriate cheerleader
- to continue that and and I think he will
- 21:23
- also uh be a a forceful Advocate inside
- 21:27
- the United States
- 21:29
- so don't you write prolifically about
- 21:31
- geopolitics I'm just wondering from your
- 21:33
- point of view at the moment what is the
- 21:34
- thing that is kind of like preoccupying
- 21:37
- your attention the most what is the
- 21:38
- thing that that concerns you the
- 21:43
- most
- 21:44
- Putin I think Putin is a Scourge I think
- 21:48
- Putin is the new Hitler I think Putin is
- 21:51
- uh is lives and breathes and sleeps
- 21:55
- dreaming up ways to light fires all over
- 21:57
- the world to upset and kill people um
- 22:01
- and you know he he really has to be
- removed somehow uh from his job because
- I think he's a oneoff and I think that
- uh there isn't another one in the wings
- or I hope and so I think Putin is the
- biggest biggest challenge and then of
- course there are other challenges uh
- such as uh you know climate and economic
- reform and poverty but uh right now this
- 22:28
- one gets fixed or the world is in for
- 22:32
- more and more
- 22:33
- trouble Diane Francis great to speak to
- 22:36
- you as ever thank you very much for your
- 22:37
- time you're welcome you've been watching
- 22:39
- Frontline for times radio with Me Kate
- 22:41
- shabo my thanks to our producers today
- 22:43
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- 22:45
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