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MicroSoft does little or nothing to advance the interests of the client!

Original article:
Peter Burgess COMMENTARY
I am a very unhappy camper! I woke my computer up this morning and was immediately offered the above page ... a page to encourage me to do something that is a complete waste of my time.

Is it any wonder that the majority of the people of the world with access to computers and powered by Microsoft have become seriously soft in the head.

Microsoft knows what it is doing. Most people ... and especially young people .. get sucked into this maelstreom of useless time consuming nonsense.

I was born a long time before the digital age emerged ... when analog was king! My initial university education was about engineering which included some electronics using valves (vacuum tubes, resistors and capacitors. One of my early jobs had to do with getting 6 transistors on to a silicon chip and do logical signal modification. Fast forward about 45 years and the latest Nvidia chips have about a billion transistors on a chip!

I have been active and interested in how things work since a very young age ... and was paid to do analysis hof how corporate organizations work for the best part of two decades. Later I did consulting work internationally for the World Bank, the United Nations and others working on 'development and international humanitrarian assistance. Now, in my 80s, I am appalled at the disconnect between the amazing progress in technical knowledge that exists and the declining capaciy of younger people to use knowledge for rproductive purposes.

From time to time, there are outcries about the problem of 'big government' ... but there is ls less noise about the problem of 'big tech' even though big tech is probably doing more social damage at the present time that it is delivering social good. Taking the United States as a 'for instance', there is something fundamentally wrong when the stock market is at record high levels and society the vast majority of the population is unhappy and stressed out because prices are up and incomes are not! Meanwhile, economic information at a national aggregate level look good, because the top few people with high net worth and high incomes scew the totals and make the totals look good! Kamala Harris called this out during her recent election campaign and it probably cost her the election win ... big money is very happy with the status quo and the Kamala Harris focus on a productive fair econmy was not in the interest of the rich and powerful.

Peter Burgess

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