Raskin Takes No Prisoners In EPIC Trump Smackdown
TYT Investigates
Nov 22, 2024
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Jamie Raskin crushes Donald Trump for 23 straight minutes and calls out Republicans for conveniently ignoring is poor handling of the pandemic.
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- 0:00
- I beseech my colleagues I will read any
- book any magazine any speech you've
- given that you want me to read read this
- report and come back and tell me if you
- think Donald Trump did the right thing
- in converting the White House into a
- for-profit operation no other president
- American history has come anywhere close
- and you ask why he's so determined to
- stay in office that he would unleash
- violence against his own vice president
- the brother of your colleague of our
- colleague why would he do that it's
- because it was a money-making operation
- and it was a it was a great business
- grift for a guy who went bankrupt
- several times and yet out of some
- misguided partisan loyalty you're going
- to stick with him I don't even know why
- you stick with him he was a Democrat
- longer than he was a republican he
- wanted to run for president on the
- Reform Party you guys have been taken
- over by an absolute con man and now
- you're acting like members of a
- religious cult who don't even remember
- how you got in in the first place we say
- return the profits Donald Trump $7.8
- million I've got a letter uh Mr chairman
- 1:01
- I'm going to share with you telling
- Donald Trump to return these $7.8
- million it's a small fraction of what he
- raked in we want to know about the other
- two years in office we want to know
- about uh the other businesses not just
- those four that we were able to get
- information on and we want to know about
- every country on Earth not just the 20
- uh autocracies and dictatorships that we
- found this is our government this is our
- Constitution and we're going to stand up
- for it
- against Donald Trump and anybody who
- follows him to the path of Oblivion
- Abraham Lincoln started your party as a
- third party to replace the wigs because
- they wouldn't take a moral stand against
- slavery it was a pro- freedom
- anti-slavery pro-union pro- honesty
- party and your party has been reduced to
- a corrupt authoritarian cult of
- personality and everybody does whatever
- Donald Trump tells them to do which is
- what we're doing here today with this
- stupid attempt to hold Hunter Biden in
- 2:00
- contempt when he has come forward to say
- he will testify and give you everything
- you want as the chairman of the
- committee repeatedly offered in
- public so forgive my outrage and
- indignation but enough is enough let's
- get back to the business of the people
- as M recognizes Mr Higgins for five
- minutes Federal agency should reject the
- lie that it is racist to criticize the
- CCP America's adversary is the Chinese
- Communist party not the Chinese people
- who are victims themselves of this
- regime finally the face of the Cold War
- the CCP is waging federal agencies
- should fulfill their responsibilities to
- the American people Federal officials
- should use their platforms and
- authorities to equip America to
- strengthen their communities and create
- the new technologies that will secure a
- strong future for the nation today
- federal agencies are ill prepared to
- face the CCP threat a government-wide
- strategy is decades overdue all the
- dictators and despots of the world have
- 3:01
- something in common in 2024 they're
- United in trying to subvert Democracy in
- America and they're engaged indeed in
- political Warfare against us as the
- title of this hearing has it the vicious
- autocrats of Russia the police state
- communist billionaire bureaucrats of
- China and North Korea and all their
- corrupt oligarchs and plutocrats seek to
- destroy the very idea of Human Rights
- and political Freedom that are the
- defining ideals of America and still the
- hope of a world struggling against their
- oppression the tyrants have something
- else in common Donald Trump he loves
- them all and they love him back he loves
- them because he envies their total
- control over their societies and they
- love him because they know they can
- manipulate and control him I confess Mr
- chairman that I'm appalled by the
- majority's decision to evade and bypass
- the central events of the epidemic for
- total political reasons the broader and
- 4:02
- authentic context for this hearing is of
- course the spectacular failure of Donald
- Trump's Reckless and incompetent
- pandemic response a failure which led to
- the unnecessary deaths of tens or
- hundreds of thousands of American
- citizens according to Trump's own
- officials in fact Donald Trump's knowing
- and willful lies cost
- America um at least tens of thousands of
- deaths according to his own White House
- Corona virus response coordinator Dr
- Deborah Burks who the chairman just
- cited as a decisive professional and
- medical Authority and she told the
- select subcommittee that more than
- 130,000 lives would have been saved
- during the Trump Administration if basic
- and proven Public Health measures had
- been implemented instead of disregarded
- on January 22nd 2020 when America
- identified its first case of covid-19
- trump stated quote we have it totally
- 5:01
- under control he goes on to say one day
- it's like a miracle it will disappear it
- is going away he then proceeded to
- abdicate any responsibility for our
- pandemic response and said quote I don't
- take any responsibility at all when he
- systematically failed to supply the
- states with critical medical equipment
- and PPE he set off an interstate death
- match for medical supplies telling
- Governor simply to quote try getting it
- yourselves
- I Donald Trump said about the virus I
- always wanted to play it down despite
- private privately acknowledging that
- covid-19 was deadly stuff he deceived
- America assuring everyone the virus was
- quote just a little like the regular
- flu and he embraced the herd immunity
- theory that some of his advisers were
- promoting which was uh again a dangerous
- and destructive thing to do after after
- watching the bodies pile up outside
- 6:02
- hospitals and morgs Trump then announced
- he had magical cures he gave quack
- advice that hydroxic chloric Quin or
- disinfectant might be effective
- treatments for covid and he predicted
- the virus would quote like a miracle
- Disappear by Easter despite advice from
- Dr fouchy Trump touted hydroxy
- chloroquin and Asos as quote game
- changers to be put in use immediately
- this is the context within which we are
- discussing a very serious and yet uh
- nonetheless State based detail of one
- policy that's being controverted and I
- appreciate the fact that Governor Cuomo
- has appeared voluntarily to answer the
- questions where is Donald Trump to
- answer the questions about his horrific
- negligence as identified by his own
- covid-19 adviser president Trump and his
- allies not only spread Medical
- disinformation about quack medical cures
- 7:02
- like hydroxy chloroquin and injecting
- 7:05
- yourself with bleach but they lied to
- 7:07
- the American people very explicitly for
- 7:09
- their own political benefit and if
- 7:12
- Donald Trump's apologists are really
- 7:14
- worried about plummeting confidence in
- 7:17
- government um and in public health they
- 7:20
- should look at the lies and the serial
- 7:22
- manipulation of the facts that were
- 7:24
- engineered by Donald Trump and his
- 7:26
- administration in their spectacularly
- 7:28
- failed response resp to covid-19 I was
- 7:31
- watching president Trump's um town hall
- 7:34
- meeting on CNN last week and I saw two
- 7:37
- remarkable things that clarified in my
- 7:39
- mind What's Happening Here could kill
- 7:41
- the baby in the ninth month or after the
- 7:43
- baby was born did finish the wall if I'm
- 7:45
- president I will have that War settled
- 7:47
- in one day 24 hours yet boxes sent to
- 7:49
- Chinatown Chinatown where they don't
- 7:51
- speak even English in that Chinatown
- 7:53
- we're talking about first I saw Donald
- 7:55
- Trump blame vice president Pence for
- 7:58
- failing to steal the election for him on
- 8:00
- January 6th As Trump emphasized on
- 8:03
- January 6th he believed and he continues
- 8:05
- to believe that Pence did not have quote
- 8:07
- the courage to do what needed to be done
- 8:10
- moreover Trump assured his cult
- 8:11
- followers that Pence was never in any
- 8:14
- danger from the invading mob chanting
- 8:15
- hang Mike Pence and all the violence was
- 8:18
- Pence's own fault for not succumbing to
- 8:21
- Trump and becoming the first vice
- 8:23
- president in our history to step outside
- 8:25
- of his constitutional role and declare
- 8:27
- the president the winner against the
- 8:29
- actual Electoral College vote but we
- 8:31
- also saw Trump castigate and blame Jean
- 8:34
- Carroll the woman he sexually abused in
- 8:37
- a department store and later lied about
- 8:39
- and defamed Trump called her a whack job
- 8:42
- and asked what kind of a woman meets
- 8:44
- somebody and brings them up in within
- 8:45
- minutes you're playing Hanky Panky in a
- 8:47
- dressing room you see he thinks it's her
- 8:50
- fault that he sexually abused her and
- 8:53
- watching these two glaring cases of the
- 8:55
- GOP front runner for the presidential
- 8:57
- nomination in 2024 blaming the victim
- 9:00
- for his crime made me see what's
- 9:02
- happening with these hearings on
- 9:04
- Washington they're part of an effort to
- 9:06
- deny Americans who live in Washington
- 9:09
- the right to participate in
- 9:10
- representative government and then to
- 9:12
- blame them for their own
- 9:14
- disenfranchisement and their own lack of
- 9:17
- representation in Congress when he was
- 9:18
- president Trump said that he and she the
- 9:21
- president of China and chairman of the
- 9:22
- Communist Party quote love each other
- 9:25
- and Trump called she a brilliant man he
- 9:28
- openly envied and marveled over she's
- 9:30
- total control over his people saying
- 9:32
- quote he controls 1.4 billion people
- 9:35
- with an Iron Fist and when people ask
- 9:38
- questions about shei in the ccp's role
- 9:41
- at the beginning of the covid-19 crisis
- 9:43
- Trump repeatedly defended shei and
- 9:45
- praised his excellent leadership calling
- 9:48
- him a brilliant man smart brilliant
- 9:51
- everything perfect we love each other
- 9:53
- president XI who's a friend of mine
- 9:55
- who's very smart very good man nobody
- 9:57
- like that the look The the whole thing
- 10:00
- my feeling toward you is an incredibly
- 10:02
- warm one he said Trump's repeatedly
- 10:04
- praised Russia's Lawless and bloody
- 10:07
- invasion of Ukraine as smart at a
- 10:10
- maralago fundraiser in 2022 he gushed
- 10:13
- that Putin was taking over a country a
- 10:16
- vast vast location a great piece of land
- 10:19
- with a lot of people and just walking
- 10:21
- right in at the presidential debate
- 10:23
- earlier this month he refused to say
- 10:25
- that he wanted Ukraine to win the war
- 10:27
- but said he would end the war in 24
- 10:29
- hours meaning he would per usual cave in
- 10:32
- to Putin's propaganda and outrageous
- 10:35
- demands and Seed large parts of Ukraine
- 10:37
- to the Russian strongman who imprisons
- 10:40
- poisons and murders his political
- 10:42
- opponents Trump's Chief of Staff John
- 10:44
- Kelly described his own boss as quote a
- 10:47
- person who admires autocrats and
- 10:50
- murderous dictators a person that has
- 10:52
- nothing but contempt for our Democratic
- 10:55
- institutions our Constitution and the
- 10:57
- rule of law and to quote Trump chilling
- 11:00
- 2018 comments to Fox News about Kim
- 11:03
- Jong-un Trump said he's the head of a
- 11:05
- country and I mean he's the strong head
- 11:07
- don't let anyone think anything
- 11:08
- different he speaks and his people sit
- 11:10
- up at attention I want my people to do
- 11:13
- the same Trump openly catered to Putin
- 11:16
- defended the former KGB Chief and
- 11:19
- aggressively took his side against the
- 11:21
- NSA the CIA the defense intelligence
- 11:24
- agency the FBI and more than a dozen
- 11:26
- other us intelligence agencies which
- 11:28
- found that Putin was engaged in active
- 11:31
- political Espionage sabotage and
- 11:33
- interference in the
- 11:35
- 2016 American presidential election a
- 11:38
- form of shocking impas that just invited
- 11:41
- further Russian aggression against us in
- 11:43
- 2020 and now again in the 2024 campaign
- 11:47
- HR McMaster Trump's former National
- 11:49
- Security adviser recounted a meeting
- 11:51
- between Chinese president shei and
- 11:53
- Donald Trump according to McMaster she
- 11:56
- quote 8 hour lunch because Trump madly
- 11:59
- ingratiated himself to she and
- 12:02
- completely failed to stand up for US
- 12:05
- foreign policy interests McMaster writes
- 12:07
- that Trump frequently revealed his
- 12:09
- affinity for strong men and belief that
- 12:11
- he alone could form a good relationship
- 12:14
- with Putin as president according to his
- 12:17
- own National Security adviser John
- 12:19
- Bolton Trump encouraged she's building
- 12:21
- and use of concentration camps to hold
- 12:24
- Wagers in shinjang province in the 2024
- 12:28
- campaign Trump has followed has promised
- 12:30
- to follow the lead of these dictators in
- 12:33
- the global axis of autocrats a convicted
- 12:36
- felon and adjudicated sexual As salent
- 12:38
- Trump repeatedly says he would suspend
- 12:40
- the rule of law in our country override
- 12:43
- the Constitution as dictator on day one
- 12:46
- launch the biggest Mass detention and
- 12:48
- internment of immigrants in American
- 12:50
- history and replace tens of thousands of
- 12:53
- professional civil servants with
- 12:55
- political Loyalists and the personal
- 12:57
- sycophant he C aves he's pledged to use
- 13:00
- the Department of Justice as a weapon to
- 13:02
- investigate and prosecute his political
- 13:04
- enemies and he's not kidding he packed
- 13:06
- and stacked the Supreme Court to destroy
- 13:09
- a fundamental constitutional Freedom
- 13:11
- women enjoyed for more than a half
- 13:12
- century in America he personally ordered
- 13:15
- the weaponization of the Department of
- 13:16
- Justice in the IRS against Hillary
- 13:18
- Clinton his own FBI director James Comey
- 13:22
- his own Deputy FBI director Andrew
- 13:24
- McCabe his private lawyer for years
- 13:26
- Michael Cohen who was put in solid
- 13:29
- milary confinement for two weeks when he
- 13:31
- refused to promise he would not write a
- 13:34
- book about Donald Trump and was released
- 13:36
- by a United States federal district
- 13:38
- judge who was shocked by the blatantly
- 13:41
- vindictive and unconstitutional
- 13:43
- persecution of an American citizen for
- 13:45
- exercising his first amendment rights
- 13:48
- Putin she Trump and hungary's Tyrant
- 13:51
- Victor orband who had a slumber party at
- 13:53
- maralago when he was in town promoting
- 13:56
- illiberal democracy which means mob rule
- 13:59
- without Freedom these are the new axis
- 14:01
- of autocrats attacking American
- 14:04
- democracy and freedom and human rights
- 14:07
- all over the world chairman thank you
- 14:08
- very much and Dr Ruiz thank you thank
- 14:10
- you for your testimony Governor Cuomo
- 14:12
- the allegations that have been brought
- 14:13
- against you today are obviously serious
- 14:15
- and because we on the oversight
- 14:17
- committee believe in accountability for
- 14:19
- all public officials I appreciate your
- 14:22
- willingness to participate voluntarily
- 14:24
- in today's hearing uh and to answer
- 14:26
- every question coming at you and to
- 14:28
- address
- 14:29
- what the majority is saying do you have
- 14:31
- any doubt that Donald Trump's lies about
- 14:35
- the virus and his deliberate failure to
- 14:37
- develop a national policy to help the
- 14:40
- states made it more difficult for New
- 14:42
- York and other states to manage their
- 14:45
- pandemic response Congressman I live
- 14:49
- this like few others uh I have little
- 14:52
- doubt that the problem here was what
- 14:55
- happened with the federal government
- 14:57
- they want to blame the states they want
- 14:58
- to focus Fus on New York I understand
- 15:01
- why it's a blue State Etc New York was
- 15:04
- the 29th lowest in nursing home deaths
- 15:08
- most Republican states had many more
- 15:10
- deaths is that per capita or hard
- 15:12
- numbers you're talking about that was uh
- 15:14
- that is prata so per one
- 15:18
- 1,000 uh nursing home deaths so state of
- 15:22
- New York for example is had
- 15:26
- 70 70 deaths
- 15:29
- per 1,000 in nursing homes in 2020 Ohio
- 15:34
- for example had 97
- 15:37
- deaths uh you don't see Ohio here today
- 15:41
- or any of the other Republican states
- 15:45
- it's just a diversion what happened here
- 15:48
- and the number that matters is 1.2
- 15:51
- million died more than any country on
- 15:54
- the globe how do you explain that the
- 15:57
- United States lost more people than
- 16:00
- China that has four times the
- 16:02
- population and that we know why we lost
- 16:06
- why we why this happened because the
- 16:09
- president denied it for months the CDC
- 16:12
- had no tests there was no
- 16:15
- PPE and we lost three months before the
- 16:18
- president woke up and realized that
- 16:21
- there was a virus and it was too late
- 16:24
- because the infection had spread and
- 16:26
- you're not going to catch up but did you
- 16:29
- have a problem with uh then president
- 16:31
- Trump repeatedly praising president XI
- 16:33
- for the pandemic response in China and
- 16:36
- saying that he was doing a marvelous job
- 16:38
- it the the president's response was
- 16:41
- horrific and the major cause the VIR the
- 16:46
- major cause why the virus spread and why
- 16:49
- it became out of control the gentleman
- 16:52
- sign expired why are we here colleagues
- 16:55
- well between January of 2017 and January
- 16:58
- of 202 21 uh we suffered the most
- 17:01
- Lawless presidency of our lifetime it
- 17:04
- began by Donald Trump saying that he
- 17:06
- would keep his more than 500 businesses
- 17:08
- going that's right and he wouldn't
- 17:10
- divest himself of any of those
- 17:12
- businesses and he would not adopt a rule
- 17:15
- in honor of the emoluments Clause
- 17:17
- consistent with the ement Clause
- 17:19
- declining to take money from Saudi
- 17:21
- Arabia China United Arab Emirates and so
- 17:24
- on and then he proceeded as we've
- 17:27
- learned to collect at least $7.8 million
- 17:31
- from foreign governments and that's
- 17:32
- actually a tiny fraction of what he got
- 17:35
- because that was only for the first two
- 17:36
- years before uh the chairman and his
- 17:38
- wisdom decided to tell mazars to stop
- 17:41
- complying with the judicial court order
- 17:43
- and so we that was all we got was two
- 17:45
- years for four businesses out of more
- 17:47
- than 500 and that was just for 20
- 17:50
- countries out of 195 countries on Earth
- 17:52
- but the lawlessness lasted up until
- 17:54
- yesterday when Donald Trump's lawyer got
- 17:57
- up before the DC Circuit Court of
- 17:59
- Appeals and asserted that President
- 18:02
- Trump or any other president for that
- 18:03
- matter has a right to order
- 18:07
- assassinations of his political
- 18:09
- opponents and not be prosecuted for it
- 18:13
- unless he's impeached and convicted
- 18:15
- first which is completely at odds with
- 18:17
- the text of the Constitution the history
- 18:19
- of the Constitution but he asserted a
- 18:21
- right to assassinate other citizens
- 18:23
- unless first he's impeached or convicted
- 18:27
- which means all you got to do is kill
- 18:29
- your political opponents and then kill
- 18:31
- enough of your political opponents in
- 18:33
- the House and Senate to keep yourself
- 18:34
- from being impeached or convicted my
- 18:37
- friends please don't look at your phones
- 18:38
- and papers right now this goes to the
- 18:40
- heart of the Republic take a position on
- 18:42
- it even if you're going to support it
- 18:44
- take a position on it don't stick your
- 18:46
- heads in the sand Donald Trump is doing
- 18:48
- this to our country he's asserting the
- 18:51
- right of the president to murder people
- 18:54
- and not be prosecuted for it well so why
- 18:56
- are we here well Donald Trump Trump
- 18:59
- insisted to numerous Republicans and in
- 19:01
- public and on Twitter and on Truth
- 19:04
- social that Joe Biden be impeached why
- 19:07
- well because Donald Trump was impeached
- 19:09
- twice the last time for inciting a
- 19:12
- violent Insurrection against his own
- 19:14
- vice president against the Congress of
- 19:15
- the United States to overthrow an
- 19:18
- election and if you don't believe that
- 19:20
- you've got to tell me that if Mike Pence
- 19:22
- had buckled under two weeks and months
- 19:25
- of pressure that Donald Trump would have
- 19:27
- said oh no I was just kidding I'm not
- 19:29
- actually going to seize the presidency
- 19:31
- come on if you believe that you're too
- 19:32
- innocent to be leted out of the house by
- 19:34
- yourself so anyway Donald Trump says I
- 19:37
- don't want to be the only one running
- 19:38
- for president who's been impeached
- 19:39
- impeach Joe Biden figure out something
- 19:41
- we were here for a year you guys did not
- 19:44
- lay a glove on Joe Biden you don't have
- 19:47
- a single credible piece of evidence not
- 19:50
- one iota showing any crime by Joe Biden
- 19:54
- as Mr Lynch says uh even your Witnesses
- 19:57
- came up and said they didn't see it at
- 19:59
- the one hearing that you had on
- 20:01
- impeachment so why are we here well we
- can't go after Joe Biden he's clean
- let's go after Hunter Biden let's go get
- him and that's why I'm so suspicious of
- where we are today Mr chairman because I
- heard you numerous times say come before
- the committee come and testify before
- the world come and tell everybody what
- happened and he took you up on it he
- said yes and I said finally we'll get to
- hear from Hunter Biden we'll get to
- answer hear answers to all those
- questions Fallon post but then you
- wouldn't take yes for an answer you said
- no we want to go to a back room and do
- it there and then we will leak out uh
- you know appropriate details which of
- course we have seen has allowed for
- radical distortions of people's
- testimony before this uh committee you
- have not released the vast majority of
- transcribed interviews that have been in
- the back room so we can leak out
- specific details so that's not right
- that's why we have questions about it
- but but I'm with Miss mace let's bring
- 21:00
- them all in let's bring in all the
- Republicans who still haven't testified
- about what they know about what on
- January 6 and let's bring Hunter Biden
- and let's do that all together I I'd be
- for that and thank you for yielding Mr
- Lee and I yield back chair recognizes Mr
- Langworthy for five minutes one of the
- uh one of our colleagues said that uh
- there was Trump derangement syndrome and
- of course Trump derangement begins with
- Donald Trump himself he thinks he has a
- legal right to assassinate US citizens
- um he thinks he can grab women by their
- genitals although that's not the word
- that he used uh he's he said that if Joe
- Biden is reelected president there will
- be World War II um he is obviously
- deranged and disoriented but the real
- Trump derangement syndrome that I see is
- those people who cannot break from
- Donald Trump after he's proven himself
- to be completely and totally Unworthy of
- your support because I'm looking at
- talented gifted people on the other side
- of the aisle the ones who have not left
- 22:01
- Congress in frustration or because
- they've broken with Donald Trump and
- clashed with him but I'm still looking
- at people who have their wits about them
- I think but you're acting like cult
- members like you're sleeping on the
- basement of a cult listening to tapes
- all night and I beg you to get over your
- Trump derangement syndrome thank you
- very much for yielding Miss Brown
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