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Date: 2024-06-30 Page is: DBtxt001.php list0300-GOOD

TrueValueMetrics (TVM)
Meaningful Metrics for a Smart Society ... Multi Dimension Impact Accounting (MDIA)

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MDIA encourages GOOD, highlights BAD and changes everything!

The BAD things have have to be faced ................ Go to files about BAD things
There are G0OD things and there are SOLUTIONS ................ Go to files about GOOD and SOLUTIONS

GOOD ... Peace
The value of peace is huge ... but it is not measured directly. We have more understanding of the cost of war and violence, but the lack of war and violence is an even bigger value. Most people on the planet want peace ... but far too often the nation state and its leaders think that war is in the national interest. Organized crime also benefits from a regime of violence ... ordinary people benefit from a peaceful environment.
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GOOD ... People
There has been a community of leaders who have done GOOD things.
Mohatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandella, Fazle Abed, Muhammad Yunus ...
But more important, the vast majority of ordinary people are good, even though the enviro-socio-economic system that is around them does not provide much support.
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GOOD ... Books
There is a huge amount of good information that has been published in books
The amount of knowledge that exists should mean that our enviro-socio-economic system works way better now than it has done in the past.
But not enough people read about important things, and we are faced with too much ignorance and many examples of agenda driven misinformation
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GOOD ... Food
Food is a basic need. Without food people starve and eventually die. But food can also be a source of great pleasure. There are many countries that are identified with their traditional foods which are central to family, community and the broader society.
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GOOD - Business
Capitalism, enterprise and business has been an important driver of economic progress around world for the last three centuries. When business operates in a 'good' manner, the results can be impressive. However, business is challenged because the metrics of business center around profits and stock value for owners, while there a no metrics of eqivalent power related to the impact business has on environment and society (people).
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GOOD - Wellness ... Health
Good health is a huge component of quality of life. There has been amazing progress in the science of medicine during the past century, but there has been a lack of leadership around the world to ensure that access to healthcare is in place for everyone. Too much of modern medical science is only accessible to those who are rich and well connected.
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Many Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) do amazing good work around the world helping to provide resources in emergency situations and to complement local health and education capacities. While most NGOs have impressive mission statements, the metrics are lacking to show how well these NGOs are performing.
Go to files about NGOs
GOOD - Education
There has been a vast improvement in education around the world over the past 50 years. There is still a lot to do, but progress has been impressive. The value of education is huge, but the way educational performance is measured is poor, and completely ignores the relevance of education and the true value of education to the students over time.
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GOOD - Metrics and Accountability
Metrics are very powerful, however, the dominant metrics in the modern economy have an excessive focus on money profit, stock prices and GDP growth while ignoring all the important externalities that have impact on people, the broader society and the environment.
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Go to files about Accountability

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TrueValueMetrics (TVM) is an Open Source / Open Knowledge initiative. It has been funded by family and friends. TVM is a 'big idea' that has the potential to be a game changer. The goal is for it to remain an open access initiative.
The information on this website may only be used for socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and limited low profit purposes
Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved.