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Navigation for PEOPLE

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

AAA go to TOP

Amrote Abdella
Amrote Abdella is following an interesting career path through a number of key organizations that have influence over the global economy and the way it performs
Open file 3428
Sir Fazle Hasan Abed
People ... Social Entrepreneurs ... Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, founder of BRAC, wins world’s largest education prize in Qatar at the WISE Conference
Open file 1025
Jack Abramoff
People ... Politics ... Disgraced ex-lobbyist Jack Abramoff is out of jail. He was released in June.
Open file 1118
Abdiweli Mohamed Ali
'Ready to move on' ... Will Somalia's new prime minister be able to fight famine and corruption in order to build a functioning state?
Open file 1677
People ... US Leadership
Richard Armitage
Had a big role in the Iraq escapade
Open file 1653
People ... Social Entrepreneurs
Sir Fazle Hasan Abed
Sir Fazle Hasan Abed, founder of BRAC, wins world’s largest education prize in Qatar at the WISE Conference
Open file 1025
People ... Ghana
Nii Akueteh
Nii Akuetteh is an Independent Africa policy analyst and researcher now based in Washington DC
Open file 1904
About People ... Syria
Rifaat al-Assad
Rifaat al-Assad is speaking out against the current regime in Syria ... but is part of the family
Open file 431
Philip Alston
PLACEHOLDER Formerly at the UN and specialist in international law and the legality of robotic war
Open file 1808
People ... US Leadership
Richard Armitage
Had a big role in the Iraq escapade
Open file 1653
Julian Assange Open file 683

BBB go to TOP

Dean Baker
Social Activism ... Occupy Movement ... Keith Olbermann and Dean Baker ... Big Banks Complaining They Are Being Unfairly Targeted !
Open file 1100
People ... Activist
Trevor Bales
Issue is human trafficking
Open file 1761
Ken Banks
Open file 3889
Roger Bate
Active about the environment and health, especially malaria
Open file 704
Milton Bateman Open file 508
David Batstone
Activist about human trafficking
Open file 1760
Open file 3878
Boris Berezovsky
Open file 353
Open file 2357
Benazir Bhutto Open file 437
Joe Biden
on the end of the Iraq intervention
Rachel Maddow Show ... December 13, 2011
Open file 1722
Bin Laden
Open file 3650
Steve Biko
Open file 3291
Larry Birns
Open file 2337
Marwan Bishara Open file 350
Bob Bishop
Video ... Modelling the Whole Earth System: A Challenge Whose Time Has Come: Bob Bishop at TEDxWarwick 2013
Open file 7713
Rajiv Biswas Open file 220
Bill Black
Bill Black with 3 big ideas
Bill Black: Jobs Now, Stop the Foreclosures, Jail the Banksters
Open file 1085
Bill Black:
'What I'd demand of the Fed'
Bill Black: 'If I marched with Occupy Wall St. to the New York Fed, this is what I would demand.'
Open file 1086
Bill Black
Money, Banking and Financial Services ... Gross Negligence
Bill Black's eye-popping opening statement at House FinServ hearing on Lehman Bros. failure.mp4
Open file 1087
Bill Black
Banking and Financial Crisis ... Where were the regulators
Max Keiser interviews Prof. Bill Black - The man who sent 1,000 banksters to prison
Open file 1088
Conrad Black
Open file 102
Lloyd Blankfein
People ... Bankers
Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman of Goldman Sachs, is asked by Senator Tom Coburn if he talked to anyone in the Treasury Department. Comedy ensues.
Open file 1090
David Bloom
People ... Bankers and Economists ... David Bloom of HSBC
David Bloom talking about Greece
Open file 1097
Michael Bloomberg
Robert Scheer writes about Michael Bloomberg ... the Villain Occupy Wall Street Has Been Waiting For
Open file 1936
John Boehner
People ... Politics ... Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor
Contact these politicians to keep the pressure on
Open file 1747
John Boehner
People ... US Politics ... Speaker John Boehner
Article in Politicus USA headed 'Demand That John Boehner Be Expelled Or Resign For Keystone XL Scandal' ... this is unverified but interesting
Open file 2105
Brooksley Born
People ... Bankers ... Brooksley Born ... Prophet and Loss
Brooksley Born warned that unchecked trading in the credit market could lead to disaster, but power brokers in Washington ignored her. Now we're allpaying the price.
Open file 1124
Victor Bout
People ... Arms Traders
Victor Bout ... Conflict Awareness Project
Open file 1047
Viktor Bout
People ... Arms Traders
Meet Viktor Bout, the Real-Life 'Lord of War' ... an article in Mother Jones from 2007
Open file 1031
Viktor Bout
People ... Arms Traders
Intentions at Heart of Arms-Trafficking Case
Open file 1023
Mark Bradbury Open file 699
Paul Bremmer Open file 435
Paul Bremmer
Open file 2924
Paul Bremmer
Open file 2352
Peter Bretscher
Initiatives Peter Bretscher ... A slide presentation describing 'Advanced Tools for Visualizing, Measuring and Managing Intangibles (2009)
Open file 7492
Ellen Brown
People ... Ellen Brown ... lawyer and author with experience internationally and also research into medical industry and banking
Open file 1284
Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland Open file 492
Warren Buffett Open file 346
Peter Burgess Open file 395
Peter Burgess Open file 525
Peter Burgess Open file 526
Peter Burgess Open file 527
Peter Burgess
VIDEO Peter Burgess introducing TrueValueMetrics
Open file 885
Peter Burgess
Peter Burgess
Open file 939
Peter Burgess
comment ???
Open file 1219
Wes Bush
Wes Bush , Robert Stevens , James McNerney ... People ... CEO 1% ... War industry CEOs make tens of millions of dollars a year, putting them in the top 0.01 percent of income earners in the U.S.
Open file 1623

CCC go to TOP

People ... US Politics
Herman Cain
January 2012 ... Rachel Maddow Show ... the South Carolina primary ... is Herman Cain getting post campaign support?
Open file 2106
David Cameron
People ... Politicians
Prime Minister David Cameron
Open file 416
Eric Cantor
People ... Politics
Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor ... Contact these politicians to keep the pressure on
Open file 1747
George Carlin
Society and the Economy ... George Carlin ~ The American Dream ... George Carlin ~ The American Dream ... you have to be asleep to believe it
Open file 1176
John Cassidy
US Economics ... What Would Keynes Say Now?
John Cassidy is a good read ... it would be even better to read the full article in the New Yorker
Open file 671
Ray Chambers Open file 146
Robin Chase
Open file 3842
Jeff Cherry
CEO and Managing Partner, The Porter Group, LLC ... Principal in the Customer Value Index, a joint venture between The Porter Group, LLC, Brady Capital Research and wRatings Corporation.
Open file 7026
Noam Chomsky
Capitalism, Society and Economy ... The assumptions have changed since the 1820s ... OWS: Noam Chomsky on the implementation of capitalism in 1820's, aka, the 'New Science of Economics'
/// Open file 1718
Noam Chomsky
AlJazeera English ... Opinion ... Is the world too big to fail?
Noam Chomsky explains how the global order of power has been created and describes the mechanisms behind its continuity.
Open file 633
Noam Chomsky
Open file 433
Noam Chomsky Open file 350
Shafi Chowdhury
People ... Bangladesh
Shafi Chowdhury is a person in Bangladesh communicating about Yunus, Grameen Bank and Social Business
Open file 2067
Chris Christie
People ... Politicians
Governor Chris Christie SLAMS Obama: Teleprompter 'Not Good Enough.'
Open file 1671
Bill Clinton
People ... Politicians
President Bill Clinton
Open file 319
Bill Clinton
US Economy and Society ... Bill Clinton and Fox News
Bill Clinton Kicks the Crap out of Fox News Part 1, 2 and 3
Open file 734
D'Maris Coffman Open file 173
Leonard Cohen Open file 546
Chip Conley Open file 232
Chip Conley
Social and Economic Metrics ... Moving beyond profit and GDP ... TED VIDEO ... Chip Conley: Measuring what makes life worthwhile
Open file 989
Chip Conley Open file 232
Chip Conley
Social and Economic Metrics
Moving beyond profit and GDP ... TED VIDEO ... Chip Conley: Measuring what makes life worthwhile
Open file 989
Bill Conway Open file 601
Chris Cook
Ideas ... Chris Cook on financial reform Capital Partnerships: A Debt Free Solution to the Property Crash ... a single video
Open file 2597
Chris Cook
Chris Cook and a Real Economy ... A Flight to Simplicity ... Chris Cook makes a presentation (slides) on Barter 3.0 IRTA Convention Ocho Rios 14th September 2012
Open file 3267
Chris Cook
Chris Cook and a Real Economy ... Transition ... Market 2.0 ... Chris Cook makes a presentation (slides) on Barter 3.0 IRTA Convention Ocho Rios 14th September 2012
Open file 3268
Chris Cook and a Real Economy
Transition ... Market 2.0 ... Chris Cook makes a presentation (slides) on Barter 3.0 IRTA Convention Ocho Rios 14th September 2012
Open file 3807
Chris Cook
Ideas ... Chris Cook and Nondominium ... Nondominium: establishing consensus and collaboration for the Caspian nations ... ISRS Senior Research Fellow, Chris Cook, argues that 21st century problems cannot be solved with 20thcentury solutions.
Open file 3480
Marie Curie
People ... Scientists ... Two time Nobel Pize winner who founded the Curie Institutes in Paris and Warsaw.
Open file 1120

DDD go to TOP

Dalai Lama
People ... Spiritual Leadership ... Celebrating Archbishop Tutu ... Dalai Lama slams China's 'immoral censorship' ... Statement comes as Chinese government is accused of blocking him from traveling to South Africa.
Open file 707
Dalai Lama
People ... Spiritual Leadership ... Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu hang out on Google+ ... at the 80th birthday party for Bishop Tutu
Open file 943
Herman Daly
People ... Economists ... Economic Dynamics ... Steady State Economy ... Herman Daly on the 2008 Credit Crisis, Financial Assets, and Real Wealth
Open file 614
Herman Daly
Economic Dynamics ... Steady State Economy ... Comment stream from essay by Herman Daly on the 2008 Credit Crisis, Financial Assets, and Real Wealth
Open file 615
Herman Daly
People ... Economists ... Capital Institute Guest Post: Limits to Growth - Forty More Years? ... From The Next Forty Years, Jorgen Randers, ed. (forthcoming)
Open file 1007
Mitch Daniels
People ... US Politics ... Rachel Maddow describing Republican fast track high flyer Governor Mitch Daniels of Indiana
Open file 2100
Richard Dawkins
People ... Scientists
Richard Dawkins: An interview with the evolutionary biologist, best-selling author and outspoken atheist.
Open file 1968
James Dillan
Open file 565
James Dillan
Open file 566
Jamie Dimon
People ... Bankers
Dimon: To Fix Housing, Everyone Should Get in a Room and Decide to Do My Bidding
Open file 2055
Jamie Dimon
People ... Bankers
Jamie Dimon ... JPMorgan CEO : Stop Bashing the Rich
Open file 1639
Lou Dobbs
People ... Media
Lou Dobbs has a show that celebrates the wealthy and the capitalist state ... and not very tolerant of alternative views
Open file 1015
Lou Dobbs
People ... Media
Lou Dobbs has a show that celebrates the wealthy and the capitalist state ... and not very tolerant of alternative views
Open file 1015
Chris Dodd
People ... US Politics
Chris Dodd left the Senate and a few weeks later became the head of an important industry group. Others with political connections swarm around the halls of Congress
Open file 2118
Paul Driessen
This article by Paul Driessen and John Nichols ... Delaware’s very own Solyndra ... Will Delaware and US citizens get stuck with a Bloom Energy fuel cell boondoggle?
Open file 616
Tammy Duckworth
Open file 3067
Dick Durban
People ... Political Leadership USA
Dick Durbin has been on the problem banks agenda for a long time ... Banks 'Frankly Own The Place'
Open file 950
Bob Dymond
Open file 322
Bob Dymond Open file 323

EEE go to TOP

William Easterly
People ... Economists ...PLACEHOLDER William Easterly, a New York University professor, former World Bank economist and author of the 2006 book, 'The White Man's Burden,'
Open file 2148
Roger Ehrenberg
People ... Banking and Finance ... Roger Ehrenberg is the founder and Managing Partner of IA Ventures.
Open file 1075
John Elkington
Sustainability should not be consigned to history by Shared Value ... If Shared Value is to offer real, long term transformation it must address the flaws of capitalism, look beyond incrementalism and not just align commercial and societal goals, says John Elkington
Open file 2701
Hilal Elver
The Right to Food: An Interview With Hilal Elver. Hilal Elver is the United Nations' Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food.
Open file 8602
Gregory Esau
People, Society and Economy ... Gregory Esau is organizing ... Taking Back Our World ... Our sense of purpose.
Open file 1902

FFF go to TOP

Niall Fergusion Open file 311
Niall Fergusion Open file 312
Niall Fergusion Open file 313
Niall Fergusion Open file 314
Niall Fergusion Open file 315
Niall Fergusion Open file 316
Niall Ferguson
Society and Economy ... USA ... VIDEO Which is it? It's the economy, stupid ... It's the stupid economy ... It's the stupid economists.
Open file 1105
Carl Forti
People ... Politics US
Money in Politics, Mitt Romney's $12 Million Mystery Super-PAC Man ... Meet Carl Forti, the publicity-loathing mastermind helping the Republican front-runner and conservative groups raise millions in dark money.
Open file 1988
Max Fraad-Wolff
People ... Economist ... Dr. Max Fraad-Wolff is a contributor to AlJazeera English and an economist and researcher at the New School in New York
Open file 1641
Milton Friedman
Economics Milton Friedman taking issue with Naomi Klein Milton Friedman Debates Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.
Open file 334
Tom Friedman
AlJazeera English ... Opinion ... If Tom Friedman can say it, you can too Even Israel's most ardent supporters now say its lobby skews the political landscape and damages both the US and Israel.
Open file 591
Tom Friedman
People ... Thomas Friedman: The imperial messenger ... his writing on the Middle East is condescending and often misleading.
Open file 1129
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
People ... Sakiko Fukuda-Parr is Professor of International Affairs at the New School. She was at UNDP reponsible for the Human Development Report
Open file 1642
Richard Fuld
People ... Bankers ... Richard Fuld ... CEO of Lehman Brothers ... We've been Fuld: Congress grills Lehman CEO on compensation
Open file 1089

GGG go to TOP

Brian Gately
Brian Gately has had a career in the Microfinance industry and is presently based in New York
Open file 2258
Bill Gates
AlJazeera English Features ... Bill Gates to support 'Robin Hood' tax The wealthiest man in the US has put his support behind a tax targeting the wealthy which would be given to the poor.
Open file 620
Bill Gates
People - Philanthropy ... Bill Gates on Malaria ... Bill Gates at Long Beach California Feb2009 1 of 2 Mosquito & Malaria
Open file 1037
Bill Gates
WEF 2008 ... Bill Gates Issues Call For Kinder Capitalism ... Famously Competitive, Billionaire Now Urges Business to Aid the Poor
Open file 2145
Timothy Geithner
People ... Bankers and Finance ... Spotlight Fixed on Geithner, a Man Obama Fought to Keep
Open file 1233
Mahatma Ghandi
Three videos about the life of Gandhi
Open file 1855
Mahatma Ghandi
A very relevant set of ideas from Mahatma Gandhi
Open file 1820
Wael Ghonin
Egypt's Revolution A Letter to Marshal Tantawy Wael Ghonim writes a letter to Marshal Tentawy about the revolution in Egypt
Open file 502
Bjorn-Soren Gigler
Event Book Launch in Washington DC Book Launch: Closing the Feedback Loop - Can Technology Bridge the Accountability Gap? ... Thursday, June 19, 2014, 3:30–5:00pm, World Bank Room MC 13-121
Open file 7708
Newt Gingrich
People ... USA Politics ... Gingrich calls Palestinians 'invented' people ... Republican presidential hopeful defends Israel and says Palestinians are Arabs who 'had a chance to go many places'.
Open file 1680
Newt Gingrich
Politics ... Gingrich earned twice as much as previously disclosed from ethanol lobbying group
Open file 1740
Newt Gingrich
Riding Israel: A tragicomedy ... Senior political analyst explains why Newt Gingrich is no Tom Cruise, and why touting Israel is a mission impossible.
Open file 1875
Newt Gingrich
People ... US Politics ... Rachel Maddow Show ... Newt Gingrich as of January 20, 2012 ... and especially the CNN debate in South Carolina
Open file 2102
Newt Gingrich
People ... US Politics ... An article that puts the question 'Did Gingrich leave speakership 'in disgrace'?' in perspective
Open file 2132
Newt Gingrich
Open file 2365
Todd Gitlin
Professor at Columbia University in New York
Open file 1869
Barbara Gray
Initiatives ... The Customer Value Index ... Announcing-the-launch-of-the-customer-value-index-200
Open file 6463
Barbara Gray
Text of LinkedIn profile ... Equity Analyst & Founder, Brady Capital Research ... Vancouver, Canada Area ... Capital Markets
Open file 7005
Barbara Gray
Principal in the Customer Value Index, a joint venture between The Porter Group, LLC, Brady Capital Research and wRatings Corporation.
Open file 7026
Barbara Gray
Open file 7069
Hank Greenberg and Scott Walker
People ... Politics ... Rachel Maddow reports on Hank Greenberg, infamously associated with AIG and Scott Walker. the infamous Republican Governor of Wisconsin
Open file 2076
Alan Greenspan
People ... Economists ... It Really Is All Greenspan's Fault ... Not wrong once, but wrong over and over again! Ask John Taylor ...
Open file 1125
Rajat Gupta
People ... Bankers ... Rajat Gupta was an insider in Goldman Sachs ... and indited for being engaged in insider trading
Open file 935

HHH go to TOP

Chuck Hagel
Open file 3937
Robin Hahnel Open file 202
Lisa Hall Open file 625
Robin Halnel
Open file 202
Nick Hanauer
Whatever Happened to Overtime? ... It’s one reason we’re poorer than our parents. And Obama could fix it—without Congress.
Open file 8638
Taj Hashani Open file 496
Sheik Hasina
People ... Bangladesh
Hasina vs Yunus ... Bangladesh ... jealousy and worse ... What lies behind the sudden spate of bad press for the Grameen Bank founder?
Open file 1883
Paulo Hawken
Open file 231
Paul Hawken Open file 231
Peter Head
Peter Head speaking at the Mansion House in the City of London about People, Profit, Planet and The Ecological Sequestration Trust (TEST)
Open file 7714
Chris Hedges
Country ... USA Economics Inside Story Americas ... Has capitalism proven its durability? ... Richard Wolff and Chris Hedges
Open file 3875
Lloyd Helferty
Ideas ... Environment ... Re: Agriculture, Etc and Biochar: Watershed Impacts on 'High-Profile' Marine Mammals
Open file 8648
Hazel Henderson
People - Social metrics pioneer ... Hazel Henderson speaks to a TV audience in Brazil
Open file 1462
Peter Herring ... Shareconomy
Open PDF Shareconomy
Eric Holder
People ... US Politics ... Revolving door compromises integrity ... U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer, head of the Justice Department's criminal division
Open file 2119
Johnny Howarth Open file 479
Jeffrey Huber Open file 594
Thomas Hoenig Open file 630
Michael Hudson
Open file 3886
John Huntsman
People ... US Politics
January 9, 2012 ... Rachel Maddow doing a piece mainly about John Huntsman
Open file 1995

III go to TOP

Samira Ibrahim
'Virginity tests' on Egypt protesters are illegal, says judge ... Samira Ibrahim decision in Egypt may open door to financial compensation for women subjected to tests during anti-government protests
Open file 1807
Joi Ito
Ideas ... TED talk ... Joi Ito ... Want to innovate? Become a 'now-ist'
Open file 8605

JJJ go to TOP

Ellen Jackowski
Environmental Sustainability ... HP
Steve Jobs Open file 543
Steve Jobs Open file 544
Steve Jobs
How Jobs Put Passion Into Products
Open file 681
Steve Jobs
The Steve Jobs factor ... AlJazeera English ... Opinion ... Steve Jobs was the only true showman of what is now one of the world's biggest industries, writes author.
Open file 730
Jamie Johnson
A film about the 1% ... A strong film by Jamie Johnson, an heir to part of the Johnson & Johnson family fortune on important issues
Open file 1108

KKK go to TOP

Max Keiser Open file 522
Max Keiser Open file 553
Max Keiser Open file 554
Markus Kerber
Professor Markus Kerber ... An experienced German academic with a broad perspective of economics and finance
Open file 1798
What Would Keynes Say Now?
John Cassidy is a good read ... it would be even better to read the full article in the New Yorker
Open file 671
Wadah Khanfar Open file 592
Mikhail Khodorkovsky Open file 341
Martin Luther King, Jr.
'We Shall Overcome' - inspiring words from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Open file 1197
Dr. Martin Luther King
1968 King Assassination Report (CBS News) with Walter Cronkite on CBS Evening News
Open file 2071
Rita J. King
Futurist with an interest in robotics
Open file 1809
Theo Kitchener
Ideas ... How To Change ... How We Can Change the World
Open file 3916
Joseph Klein
Open file 333
Naomi Klein Open file 290
Naomi Klein Open file 333
Naomi Klein Open file 334
Koch Brothers Open file 503
Koch Brothers
The Koch brothers
Open file 937
Koch Brothers
Concentration of Power ... The Koch Brothers ... People & Power asks if the tycoon duo's fortune could put the radical right into the White House.
Open file 947
Paul Krugman
Open file 2416
Open file 2450
Paul Krugman
Society and Economics ... USA ... Krugman on inequality in 1996 ... Mother Jones ... The Spiral of Inequality by Paul Krugman ... and then Jack and Jude
Open file 962
People ... Economists
Paul Krugman
Paul Krugman: An Indispensible Man
Open file 1044

LLL go to TOP

Eric Lander
People ... Scientists
Dr. Eric Lander: the mathematician and geneticist behind the Human Genome Project and the Broad Institute.
Open file 1966
Annie Leonard Annie Leonard gives an interesting and very valid analysis of the economic dynamic of 'stuff' Open file 257
Annie Leonard Open file 258
Annie Leonard Open file 259
Annie Leonard Open file 260
Annie Leonard Open file 261
Jin Liqun
People ... China
Jin Liqun, the chairman of China's sovereign wealth fund remains sceptical about supporting a European bailout.
Open file 1113
Nikolai Lugansky Open file 355

MMM go to TOP

Wangari Maathai Open file 670
Wangari Maathai
Wangari Maathai ... environmentalist and leader ... Nobel Prize Winner
Open file 1615
Chris Macrae
Open file 175
Chris Macrae
Linking into the mapping around Chris Macrae and his network of micro-up movers and shakers
Open file 2134
Chris Macrae
Open file 3932
Norman Macrae
Open file 381
Norman Macrae Open file 464
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 401
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 402
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 403
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 404
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 405
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 406
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 407
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 408
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 409
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 410
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 413
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 488
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 494
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 621
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 624
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 733
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 1029
Rachel Maddow
Newt Gingrich -v- Mitt Romney ... Rachel Maddow Show ... December 13, 2011
Open file 1721
Rachel Maddow
Joe Biden on the end of the Iraq intervention ... Rachel Maddow Show ... December 13, 2011
Open file 1722
Rachel Maddow
Open file 2375
Jeff Madrick
Society and Economy ... Teach in on the Occupy issues ... Economist Jeff Madrick on Occupy Wall St. and teach-ins on Countdown with Keith Olbermann
Open file 1099
Bill Maher Open file 505
Bill Maher Open file 506
Bill Maher
Bill Maher has a show that is never 'politically correct' but is full of humor
Open file 1016
Bill Maher
VIDEO Bill Maher Makes Fun Of Peter Schiff's Laughable 'Cut Taxes For The Rich = Job Creator' Spin
Open file 1695
Ibrahim Bare Mainassara Open file 438
Nelson Mandela
One of the best leaders in history
Open file 1959
Nic Marks
Social and Economic Metrics ... Nic Marks: The Happy Planet Index ... TED VIDEO
Open file 986
James McNerney
Wes Bush , Robert Stevens , James McNerney ... People ... CEO 1% ... War industry CEOs make tens of millions of dollars a year, putting them in the top 0.01 percent of income earners in the U.S.
Open file 1623
Pervez Musharraf Open file 434
President Pervez Musharraf
What would you ask Musharraf? ... The Stream puts your questions to former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.
Open file 897
President Pervez Musharref
Pakistan ... President Pervez Musharref and the website of the US Chapter of the APML
Open file 924
Doug McDavid
TAU_ArchitectureFramework_v14v4 ... In idea developed by Doug McDavid
Open PDF ... TAU_ArchitectureFramework_v14v4
Scott McNealy
Leaders in Digital Series: Scott McNealy Talks Technology and Education
Open file 2081
Gertjan Meeuws
Food ... Indoor farming ... TEDxBrainport 2012 - Gertjan Meeuws - Indoor farming, Plant Paradise
Open file 6469
President Menem of Argentina
One of the best leaders in history
Open file NNN
Ebrahim Metari
The Iranian regime has a very nasty side that is rarely talked about ... the West worries about a nuclear agenda,
Open file 1213
Allan Metzler
Open file 282
Ken Miller Open file 579
Ken Miller Open file 580
Gary Miner
Peter Burgess Connections
Open file 3912
Abdiweli Mohamed Ali
'Ready to move on' ... Will Somalia's new prime minister be able to fight famine and corruption in order to build a functioning state?
Open file 1677
Alan Moore
The Honest Alan Moore Interview – Part 2: The Occupy Movement, Frank Miller, and Politics
Open file 1585
Alan Moore
The Honest Alan Moore Interview – Part 1: Publishing and Kindle
Open file 1586
Michael Moore
Open file 321
Michael Moore
Democracy Now ... Academy Award-Winning Filmmaker Michael Moore on the Election, the Bailout, Healthcare, and 10 Proposed Decrees for the New President’s First 10 Days
Open file 331
Michael Moore
Society and Economyc ... USA ... Michael Moore explains Occupy WallStreet to Anderson Cooper of CNN : 'This Movement is So Beyond, 'Hey Let's Get this Candidate Elected''
Open file 979
Michael Moore
Occupy WallStreet ... Anderson Cooper and Michael Moore ... Michael Moore Says 'Oh My God' After Hearing Peter Schiff's OWS Idiocy From Anderson Cooper
Open file 1692
Jeff Mowatt
People-Centered Economic Development ... Dialog with Jeff Mowatt, Director, People-Centered Economic Development in the Keynes101 rewind discussion
Open file 0174
Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers keynote at Public Citizen's 40th Anniversary Gala
Open file 1246
Bill Moyers
December 3, 2011 Bill Moyers Essay: Plutocracy and Democracy Don’t Mix ... as fresh as ever and very very suited to the times
Open file 1594
Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers: Back With a New Series
Open file 1998
Robert Murdoch Open file 128

NNN go to TOP

Ralph Nader
People ... Activists ... Consumer-advocate-turned-presidential-candidate Ralph Nader speaks to 'occupiers' at Washington, DC's Freedom Plaza
Open file 1084
Ralph Nader
People ... Ralph Nader speaks at Public Citizen's 40th Anniversary Gala
Open file 1248
Dennis Nally
Dennis Nally, Chief Executive of PwC: 'If auditors aren't doing enough, who's going to pay for them to do more?'
Open file 1736
Crown Prince Nayef of Saudi Arabia
People in Power ... Saudi Arabia ... Crown Prince Nayef of Saudi Arabia
Open file 952
Benjamin Netanyahu Open file 398
Benjamin Netanyahu Open file 518
People ... Science
Sir Isaac Newton
My Man, Sir Isaac Newton ... Neil deGrasse Tyson says Newton's writings defy gravity by making his hair stand up.
Open file 1697
Erik Nielson Open file 555
Peggy Noonan
Open file 3936
Helena Norberg-Hodge Open file 593
Jacqueline Novogratz
People ... Jacqueline Novogratz on escaping poverty
Open file 1170
Joseph S. Nye
Ideas ... China’s Questionable Economic Power
Open file 8607

OOO go to TOP

President Obama
Obama seen as puppet of the 1% ... OccupyWallStreet ... The resistance continues at Liberty Square and worldwide! ... Don't Be Big Banks' Puppet; No Immunity Deal for Crooks
Open file 1096
President Obama
January 24, 2012 ... Obama Hosts Google Hangout, 'Enhanced' State of the Union
Open file 2136
Keith Olbermann Open file 338
Keith Olbermann
A chilling review of the Bush administration's attitude to America's security prior to the events of 9/11/2001 ... video
Open file 339
Keith Olbermann Open file 539
Keith Olbermann
Economist Jeff Madrick on Occupy Wall St. and teach-ins on Countdown with Keith Olbermann
Open file 1099
Keith Olbermann
Keith Olbermann and Dean Baker ... Big Banks Complaining They Are Being Unfairly Targeted !
Open file 1100
Tony Olumela Open file 631
Jean Oelwang Open file 389
Jean Oelwang Open file 389
Ken Ofori-Atta
Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta is the Executive Chairman of the Data Bank Limited
Open file 1905
Tim O'Reilly
Tim O'Reilly selects some important people who are data scientists
Open file 1078

PPP go to TOP

Bishop George Packard
Ride to Jail w/ Bishop George Packard D17 ... Occupy Wall Street, December 17th, 2011
Open file 1756
James Park
Leaders in Digital Series: James Park Looks at Innovations in Healthcare
Open file 2082
Dorothy Parvez Open file 244
Ron Paul
Ethics, Society and Economy ... The story about Ron Paul ... and Rick Santorium ... and Mitt Romney ... Rachel Maddow doing what Rachel Maddow does
Open file 1932
Ron Paul
Build Your Own Levees, and Kiss Irene
Open file 1978
Ron Paul
Open file 2229
Ron Paul
Open file 2230
Ron Paul
Open file 2231
Henry Paulson
People ... Bankers
Kathy Pickering Ellis - Here is another of several hundred good reasons why we were driven to OCCUPY WALL STREET ... Henry Paulson!
Open file 908
Dorothy Parvez Open file 244
John Perkins
People ... Economist
John Perkins on VIDEO talking about his experience and book 'Confessions Of An Economic Hitman'
Open file 2101
Rick Perry
People ... USA ... Rachel Maddow reports on a pantheon of pregnant pauses
Open file 1218
Boone Pickens Open file 504
John Pilger
John Pilger Biography
Open file 2522
Colin Powell Open file 500
Thomas Power
Thomas Power, Founder and Chairman of the social network ''
Open file 2086
C.K. Prahalad
People ... Economists
PLACEHOLDER C.K. Prahalad, a University of Michigan professor who had written 'The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid.'
Open file 2147
Vicky Pryce
People ... Economists ... Greek Economist used as an analyst by AlJazeera
Open file 1068

QQQ go to TOP

RRR go to TOP

William Rees
Open file 242
Robert Reich
Robert Reich on reviving the economy... Washington Pre-Occupied - The biggest question in America these days is how to revive the economy.
Open file 1083
Robert Reich
Robert Reich on 2012 ... My Political Prediction for 2012: It’s Obama-Clinton
Open file 1814
Robert Reich
Society and Economy ... USA ... Robert Reich on reviving ther economy ... Washington Pre-Occupied - The biggest question in America these days is how to revive the economy.
Open file 1083
Ken Robinsom
Open file 375
Sir Ken Robinson Open file 376
Open file 3876
Mitt Romney
Rachel Maddow explains how Mitt Romney is a big part of the American problem
Open file 1607
Mitt Romney
Rachel Maddow Show ... Mitt Romney as of January 20, 2012
Open file 2103
Mitt Romney
January 2012 ... Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands. This is legal, but who writes the laws that make it legal?
Open file 2085
Mitt Romney
Rachel Maddow Show ... Mitt Romney and his money
Open file 2088
Mitt Romney
Rachel Maddow ... Mitt Romney moves up from 22% approval to something much higher ... but tax rate of 15% is the new issue. Mitt Romney defends wealth
Open file 2078
Mitt Romney
January 9, 2012 ... Rachel Maddow doing a piece mainly about Mitt Romney
Open file 1996
Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney on Monday, January 16th, 2012 in a Republican presidential debate in Myrtle Beach, S.C. says U.S. Navy is smallest since 1917, Air Force is smallest since 1947
Open file 2131
Andy Rooney
People ... Andy Rooney dead at 92: We loved his knack for life’s small worries
Open file 1095
Charlie Rose Open file 319
Charlie Rose Open file 417
Nir Rosen Open file 574
Nir Rosen Open file 663
Nir Rosen
People ... Reporters ... Nir Rosen came to our attention for his reporting on the uprising in Syria in October 2011
Open file 976
Hans Rosling Open file 233
Hans Rosling
Hans Rosling makes the case for the washing machine. Rosling shows us the magic that pops up when economic growth and electricity turn a boring wash day into an intellectual day of reading.
Open file 988
Hans Rosling
Hans Rosling is a Swedish professor who has significantly improved the visual presentation of complex data.
Open file 2146
Nouriel Roubini Open file 305
Nouriel Roubini Open file 306
Nouriel Roubini Open file 307
Nouriel Roubini Open file 308
Nouriel Roubini Open file 309
Nouriel Roubini Open file 310

SSS go to TOP

Jeffrey Sachs
Policy, Society and Economics ... Jeffrey Sachs: 'That's not a free market, that's a game'
Open file 1676
Jeffrey Sachs
Ideas - Geopolitics ... China’s New Global Leadership
Open file 8646
Halah Sahabi Open file 91
Haleh Sahak
Open file 91
Bernie Sanders Open file 523
Bernie Sanders
Senator Bernie Sanders’ war on the banks ... The socialist from OWS says withdraw your money from Wall Street
Open file 891
Rick Santorium
Some negatives about Rick Santorium being exposed by Rachel Maddow
Open file 1931
Strange Sanum Open file 228
Peter Schiff
Open file 325
Peter Schiff / Gary Shilling
Gary Shilling Laughs Out Loud At Peter Schiff's Ignorance
Open file 1693
Peter Schiff
People ... Economist ... Peter Schiff at Occupy Wall Street: Full Version, Almost 2 Hours Long!
Open file 1691
Peter Schiff Open file 325
Peter Schiff
People ... Economist ... Gary Shilling Laughs Out Loud At Peter Schiff's Ignorance
Open file 1693
Peter Schiff
Bill Maher addresses Peter Schiff and taxes ... People ... USA ... VIDEO Bill Maher Makes Fun Of Peter Schiff's Laughable 'Cut Taxes For The Rich = Job Creator' Spin
Open file 1695
Robert Schiller Open file 610
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a Democratic Representative from Florida that has a great command of the facts around the US economy
Open file 1260
Durreen Shahnaz
The Social Enterprise Sector ... An impact exchange ... World's First Social Stock Exchange by Durreen Shahnaz
Open file 1242
Dureen Shahnaz
Open file 2725
Rubeen Shakeel
Open file 3939
David Shaman
David Shaman is working on World Bank transparency ... email communications
Open file 1854
Bill Sharon
Open file 3834
Gene Sharp
People ... Al Jazeera talks with Gene Sharp, a quiet but influential scholar of non-violent struggle.
Open file 1620

Nicholas Shaxson
Avoiding rules and regulations ... Treasure Island ... the story of offshore business system ... by Nicholas Shaxson ... Offshore Banking and Tax Havens Have Become Heart of Global Economy

Open file 0327
Derek Sivers Open file 286
Socrates The death of Socrates: celebrating a legend ...
More than just a football star, Socrates was also a fearless dissenter against Brazil's military dictatorship.
Open file 1735
Guido Sohne
Some e-mail ... Guido Sohne was one of my early advisers in the management of data and use of Internet computing
Open file 1717
George Soros
Open file 2284
Eliot Spitzer
Q&A: Eliot Spitzer ... Al Jazeera talks to former New York governor Eliot Spitzer about corporate crime, Obama, and the Arab Spring.
Open file 1195
Richard Stallman
People ... Internet ... Richard Stallman is a pioneer in the Free Software movement and ourspoken critic of proprietary software and its inherent problems
Open file 1644
Alex Steffen Open file 230
Robert Stevens
Wes Bush , Robert Stevens , James McNerney ... People ... CEO 1% ... War industry CEOs make tens of millions of dollars a year, putting them in the top 0.01 percent of income earners in the U.S.
Open file 1623
Jon Stewart Open file 346
Jon Stewart Open file 347
Joseph Stiglitz
Open file 199
Joseph Stiglitz Open file 332
Joseph Stiglitz Open file 419
Joseph Stiglitz Open file 682
Joseph Stiglitz
People ... Economist ... Joseph Stiglitz Refutes Peter Schiff's Senseless Education Spending Cuts Proposal
Open file 1694
Joseph E. Stiglitz
Ideas ... BOOK Creating a Learning Society: A New Approach to Growth, Development, and Social Progress by Joseph E. Stiglitz and Bruce C. Greenwald
Open file 8606
David Stockman Open file 222
John Stumpf ... Wells Fargo CEO
People ... Banking 1% ... Occupy Protesters Mic Check Wells Fargo CEO in talk at NC State in November 2011
Open file 1622

TTT go to TOP

Matt Taibbi
Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stones explains why Occupy Wall Street Is Bigger Than Left vs. Right
Open file 906
Neera Tandern
Open file 2759
People ... India
Ratan Tata
The patriarch of the Tata Group in India ... set to retire in 2012
Open file 915
Charles Taylor Open file 227
Charles Taylor Open file 365
John Timoney
Police, Society and Economy
Even Bahrain's use of 'Miami model' policing will not stop the uprising. Former police chief John Timoney is on the Bahrain case.
Open file 1581
Richard Tren
Active on health, especially malaria
Open file 705
Bishop Tutu
People ... Spiritual Leadership
Celebrating Archbishop Tutu ... Dalai Lama slams China's 'immoral censorship' ... Statement comes as Chinese government is accused of blocking him from traveling to South Africa.
Open file 707
Bishop Tutu
People ... Spiritual Leadership
Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu hang out on Google+ ... at the 80th birthday party for Bishop Tutu
Open file 943
Desmond Tutu
Open file 3118
Desmond Tutu
Open file 3615
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Science ... We Stopped Dreaming ....VIDEO Neil deGrasse Tyson talking about the importance of dreaming ... having vision
Open file 576
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Science Lecture about evolution ... VIDEO ... Neil deGrasse Tyson DESTROYS intelligent design
Open file 577
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Science ... Some history of science ... VIDEO Neil deGrasse Tyson motes the erosion of progress by religions ... sad and funny
Open file 578
Neil deGrasse Tyson
About Neil deGrasse Tyson ... brief CV
Open file 1698
Richard Trumka
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka sees evidence of strength in the labor movement, and criticizes Obama for lack of job focus
Open file 363

UUU go to TOP

VVV go to TOP

Michael van Notten
Michael van Notten has compiled some important material about the clan law that governs in the traditional Somali society
Open file 446
Paul Volcker
Paul Volcker is an elder statesman in finance ... Chairman of the Federal Reserve in the 1980s and adviser to Obama
Open file 900

WWW go to TOP

Scott Walker
Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin ... This Republican Governor elected in 2010 is being faced with a recall movement
Open file 936
Hank Greenberg and Scott Walker
People ... Politics ... Rachel Maddow reports on Hank Greenberg, infamously associated with AIG and Scott Walker. the infamous Republican Governor of Wisconsin
Open file 2076
Yuja Wang
Music, Society and Economy ... Beautiful classical music ... Yuja Wang plays the Flight of the Bumble-Bee (Vol du Bourdon)
Open file 354
Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren, a US Senate candidate and voice of reason amid madness, has a way of speaking about progressive values that makes people listen.
Open file 606
Elizabeth Warren
People ... US Politics ... Elizabeth Warren Heckled By Tea Party Supporter
Open file 1059
Harriet Washington
People ... Ethicist ... 'Deadly Monopolies': Medical Ethicist Harriet Washington on How Firms are Taking Over Life Itself
Open file 1005
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
People ... USA ... Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a Democratic Representative from Florida that has a great command of the facts around the US economy
Open file 1260
Jack Welch
US Economy Jack Welch: How I'd Fix The Economy Jack Welch: How I'd Fix The Economy ... from an appearance on CNBC ... 2011
Open file 674
Alex Wheatle
About People ... Alex Wheatle. novelist ... Alex Alphonso Wheatle is an award winning British novelist of Jamaican heritage described as one of the UK’s most exciting writers.
Open file 205
Allen White
Founder | Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings
Richard Wilkinson
Society and Economy ... ... On economic inequality ... TED VIDEO Richard Wilkinson: How economic inequality harms societies
Open file 987
George Will
George Will / Charlie Rose
Open file 417
Bob Willard
Sustainability Author and Speaker | Sustainability Advantage
Gary A. Williams
CEO, wRatings Corporation CIO, MoatMakers Capital ... Principal in the Customer Value Index, a joint venture between The Porter Group, LLC, Brady Capital Research and wRatings Corporation.
Open file 7026
Sarah Willis
Food, Agriculture and Fisheries ... Niman Ranch for sustainable flavorful food ... VIDEO Sustainable Abundance ... Sarah Willis presents at the Stanford Sustainable Meat Conference
Open file 249
Andrew Winston
Author, The Big Pivot ... Founder | Winston Eco-Strategies
Richard Wolff
Basic CV ... an economist that periodically appears on AlJazeera English
Open file 932
Richard Wolff
Capitalism Hits the Fan Film Screening and Q&A with Professor Richard Wolff | The New School | Screened March 2010
Open file 3546
Professor Richard D. Wolff
People ... Professor Richard D. Wolff is an economist that has spent his career on the outside ... maybe he was right all along!
Open file 3874
Richard Wolff
Country ... USA Economics Inside Story Americas ... Has capitalism proven its durability? ... Richard Wolff and Chris Hedges
Open file 3875
Paul Wolfowitz
Rachel Maddow talking about how wrong was Paul Wolfowitz ... over and over again! Where is there accountability?
Open file 1004
Paul Wolfowitz
Ideas ... Paul Wolfowitz and Michael O'Hanlon ... Plan Afghanistan ... Why the Colombia model -- even if it means drug war and armed rebellion -- is the best chance for U.S. success in Central Asia.
Open file 8603

XXX go to TOP

YYY go to TOP

Abdel Fattah Younes
Libya ... People Abdel Fattah Younes: Libya’s rebel chief who never won trust
Open file 154
Muhammad Yunus
East Asia Forum The removal of Muhammad Yunus from Grameen Bank The removal of Muhammad Yunus as Managing Director of Grameen Bank now seems irrevocable
Open file 97
Muhammad Yunus
Eastern Panorama in India ... Prof Yunus: Victim of Political Vendetta in Bangladesh
Open file 98
Muhammad Yunus
Social Business ... Following Yunus initiatives Yunus discusses social business, MDGs with Korean leaders
Open file 326

ZZZ go to TOP

Fareed Zakaria
Zakaria's world view on GPS and in Washington Post ... Obama’s leadership is right for today
Open file 7576
Ory Zik
CEO, Founder | Energy Points ... #SustyGoals 4: Math Not Myth – Energy Points’ Ory Zik on Normalized Energy Target Setting being interviewed by Bill Baue
Open file 7380
Ory Zik
CEO, Founder | Energy Points ... Text of LinkedIn profile ... Greater Boston Area ... Renewables & Environment
Open file 7471
Robert B. Zoellick
Global Economics Official Development Assistance (ODA) Beyond Aid Beyond Aid. Speech by World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick
Open file 622
Slavoj Zizek
AlJazeera English Opinion ... Zizek and Gaddafi: Living in the old world ... A prominent European philosopher who argues that the Arab Spring is over, simply can't fathom a new, hopeful world.
Open file 393

Unsorted go to TOP

Gretchen Hancock
Project Manager, Corporate Environmental Programs | GE
Open file
Nelson Mandela
One of the best leaders in history
' > Open file 1959
Gretchen Hancock | Project Manager, Corporate Environmental Programs | GE

Judy Sandford | Senior Strategist of Sustainability Communications | Addison

Pankaj Bhatia | Deputy Director, Climate and Energy Programs; Director, GHG Protocol | World Resources Institute

Mark McElroy | Founder & Executive Director | Center for Sustainable Organizations

Hector Rodriguez | Senior Director of Global EHS & Sustainability | Biogen Idec

Stephen Harper | Global Director of Environment and Energy Policy | Intel

Jeff Gowdy | Adjunct Professor of Management | Vanderbilt University

Emma Stewart | Head of Sustainability Solutions | Autodesk

Confirmed Speakers for 2012:

Christopher Behr Principal Economist HDR, Inc.

Jennifer Driscoll VP, Investor Relations Campbell Soup Company

Brittni Furrow Sr. Manager, Sustainability Walmart

James Salo SVP, Strategy & Research Trucost

Todd Stark Chief Operating Officer Fair Trade USA

Mark Tulay Program Manager Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings

Sarah OBrien Director of Outreach & Communications EPEAT/Green Electronics Council

Bahar Gidwani CEO CSRHub

Jacobine Das Gupta-Mannak Corporate Sustainability Manager DSM

Diane O'Connor VP, Global Environment & Sustainability Xerox Corporation

Mark Serwinowski President and Founder MetaVu

Eddie Bernhardt Sr. Portfolio Manager SNW Asset Management

Lauralee Martin Global Chief Operating & Financial Officer Jones Lang LaSalle

Bob Kerr Partner Pure Strategies, Inc.

Michael Barry Sustainability Manager Bloomberg LP

Witold Henisz Deloitte & Touche Professor of Management The Wharton School

Erin Meezan VP, Sustainability Interface

Robert Pojasek Adjunct Professor Harvard University

Mike Wallace Director, Focal Point USA Global Reporting Initiative USA

Michael Muyot President and Founder CRD Analytics

Paul Touw CEO icix

Jim Sullivan VP, Strategy and Sustainability SAP

Mark Weick Director, Sustainability & ERM The Dow Chemical Company

Kirk Myers Corporate Social Responsibility Manager REI

Betsy Blaisdell Senior Manager of Environmental Stewardship Timberland

Eric Hespenheide Partner Deloitte & Touche LLP

Ryan Howell Co-Founder Beyond The Purchase

Michelle Lapinski Director of Corporate Practices The Nature Conservancy

Michael Jordan EVP, Sustainable Strategy Jones Lang LaSalle

Ory Zik CEO Energy Points

Woodrow Keown Director, Global Sustainability The Procter & Gamble Company

Robert Boller Vice President of Sustainability & Production Kendall Jackson Winery

Daniel Krohn Sustainability Lead Becker Underwood

Renee Morin President PRã© North America

Steve Lydenberg Founding Director Initiative for Responsible Investment, Harvard

Bart Houlahan Co-Founder B Lab

Bill Baue Corporate Sustainability Architect Independent

Judy Wicks Co-founder Business Alliance for Local Living Economies

Libby Bernick Vice President UL Environment

Charlene Wall-Warren Sustainability Leader, North America BASF

Gil Friend President & CEO Natural Logic Inc.

Aleksandra Dobkowski-Joy Principal Framework LLC

Paul Herman CEO HIP Investor Inc.

Mark McElroy Founder and Executive Director Center for Sustainable Organizations

Charles Eisenstein Author The Ascent of Humanity, and Sacred Economics

Lisa French Head of External Relations (Americas) International Integrated Reporting Council

Eric Lander
Dr. Eric Lander: the mathematician and geneticist behind the Human Genome Project and the Broad Institute. /// Open file 1966
Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins: An interview with the evolutionary biologist, best-selling author and outspoken atheist. /// Open file 1968
Ron Paul
Build Your Own Levees, and Kiss Irene /// Open file 1978
People List
The 20 Biggest Donors of the 2012 Election (So Far) ... Most of this money is going to Republican support, but not all /// Open file 1987
Carl Forti
Money in Politics, Mitt Romney's $12 Million Mystery Super-PAC Man ... Meet Carl Forti, the publicity-loathing mastermind helping the Republican front-runner and conservative groups raise millions in dark money. /// Open file 1988
John Huntsman
January 9, 2012 ... Rachel Maddow doing a piece mainly about John Huntsman /// Open file 1995
Mitt Romney
January 9, 2012 ... Rachel Maddow doing a piece mainly about Mitt Romney /// Open file 1996
Gregory Esau Gregory Esau is organizing ... Taking Back Our World ... Our sense of purpose. /// Open file 1902
Nii Akueteh
Nii Akuetteh is an Independent Africa policy analyst and researcher now based in Washington DC ... from Ghana /// Open file 1904
Ken Ofori-Atta
Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta is the Executive Chairman of the Data Bank Limited ... Ghana /// Open file 1905
Michael Bloomberg
Robert Scheer writes about Michael Bloomberg ... the Villain Occupy Wall Street Has Been Waiting For /// Open file 1936
David Shaman
David Shaman is working on World Bank transparency ... email communications /// Open file 1854
Three videos about the life of Gandhi /// Open file 1855
People are absolutely amazing
What a shame the leaders of society do not have the same level of ability /// Open file 1863
Todd Gitlin
Professor at Columbia University in New York /// Open file 1869
Slavoj Zizek
Capitalism with Asian values ... the philosopher discusses the momentous changes taking place in the global financial and political system. /// Open file 1871
Newt Gingrich
Riding Israel: A tragicomedy ... Senior political analyst explains why Newt Gingrich is no Tom Cruise, and why touting Israel is a mission impossible. /// Open file 1875
Philip Alston
PLACEHOLDER Formerly at the UN and specialist in international law and the legality of robotic war /// Open file 1808
Robert Reich on 2012
My Political Prediction for 2012: It’s Obama-Clinton /// Open file 1814
Mahatma Ghandi
A very relevant set of ideas from Mahatma Gandhi /// Open file 1820
The Policy Advisory Board of
Per website in December 2011 ... The Policy Advisory Board of /// Open file 1827
Bishop George Packard
Ride to Jail w/ Bishop George Packard D17 ... Occupy Wall Street, December 17th, 2011 /// Open file 1756
Professor Markus Kerber
An experienced German academic with a broad perspective of economics and finance /// Open file 1798
The Forbes List of World's Wealthiest
The names and wealth of 400 people as listed in Forbes ... TO BE EDITED /// Open file 1733
Circles on Google+
List of people who are important for TrueValueMetrics development (INCOMPLETE)
Open file 1283
People ... Media
Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers keynote at Public Citizen's 40th Anniversary Gala
Open file 1246
Eliot Spitzer
Q&A: Eliot Spitzer ... Al Jazeera talks to former New York governor Eliot Spitzer about corporate crime, Obama, and the Arab Spring.
Open file 1195
Jin Liqun, chairman of China's sovereign wealth fund
People ... China
The chairman of China's sovereign wealth fund remains sceptical about supporting a European bailout.
Open file 1113
People ... Scientists
Marie Curie
Two time Nobel Pize winner who founded the Curie Institutes in Paris and Warsaw.
Open file 1120
People ... China
Jin Liqun, chairman of China's sovereign wealth fund
The chairman of China's sovereign wealth fund remains sceptical about supporting a European bailout.
Open file 1113
Society and Economy ... USA
Niall Ferguson
VIDEO Which is it? It's the economy, stupid ... It's the stupid economy ... It's the stupid economists.
Open file 1105
Society and Economy
A film about the 1%
A strong film by Jamie Johnson, an heir to part of the Johnson & Johnson family fortune on important issues
Open file 1108
Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 1071
People who are data scientists
Tim O'Reilly selects some important people who are data scientists
Open file 1078
People ... Politics USA
US Senators ... in 2011
Listing of contact information for US Senators
Open file 1094
Social Activism ... USA
Obama seen as puppet of the 1%
OccupyWallStreet ... The resistance continues at Liberty Square and worldwide! ... Don't Be Big Banks' Puppet; No Immunity Deal for Crooks
Open file 1096
Starts with a pollution
Starts with a pollution
Open file 1046

Open file 401 Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 1071
People ... USA
Rachel Maddow
Rachel Maddow Show
Open file 1029
People ... Politics USA
Newt Gingrich -v- Mitt Romney
Rachel Maddow Show ... December 13, 2011
Open file 1721
US Politics
Rachel Maddow September 26, 2011
VIDEO About Speaker Boehner's performance as a Congessional leader
Open file 621
People ... Media
Rachel Maddow
January 2012 ... Rachel Maddow Show ... Making a Friday cocktail
Open file 2107
Robert B. Zoellick Open file 622
Slavoj Zizek Open file 393
People ... Philosopher
Slavoj Zizek
Capitalism with Asian values ... the philosopher discusses the momentous changes taking place in the global financial and political system.
Open file 1871
ZZZ_MIsc go back to TOP Open list 08ZM
Circles on Google+
List of people who are important for TrueValueMetrics development (INCOMPLETE)
Open file 1283
People ... Politics USA
US Senators ... in 2011
Listing of contact information for US Senators
Open file 1094
Starts with a pollution
Starts with a pollution
Open file 1046
People ... CEO 1%
Wes Bush , Robert Stevens , James McNerney
War industry CEOs make tens of millions of dollars a year, putting them in the top 0.01 percent of income earners in the U.S.
Open file 1623
People ... Who Knows Who?
The LittleSis Initiative
LittleSis is a project of Public Accountability Initiative to understand who knows who, connecting the dots that control the economy
Open file 726
Wealth ... Indonesia
150 Richest Indonesians - 2009
At the end of 2009, Indonesia’s 150 richest people had a total net-worth of US$ 61.5 billion up 22 percent from the prior year.
Open file 724
People, Society and Economy
People are absolutely amazing
What a shame the leaders of society do not have the same level of ability
Open file 1863
The Policy Advisory Board of
Per website in December 2011 ... The Policy Advisory Board of
Open file 1827
The 20 Biggest Donors of the 2012 Election (So Far)
Most of this money is going to Republican support, but not all
Open file 1987
Wealth, Society and Economy
The Forbes List of World's Wealthiest
The names and wealth of 400 people as listed in Forbes ... TO BE EDITED
Open file 1733
People ... Kenya
Corruption and criminal activity at the highest levels
January 2012 ... Short bios of six Kenyan suspects being brought before the ICC
Open file 2138
People ... Bankers
Vikram Pandit ... CEO of CitiGroup
Vikram Pandit ... CEO of CitiGroup
Open file 756
Another tech pioneer, Dennis Ritchie, passes
The foundations of current computer technology revolutionised the industry into what it is today.
Open file 759
NAJ Taylor
An investigative journalist
Open file 776
Dick Cheney
Truth about Halliburton and Dick Cheney
Open file 781
Robin Harrison
Robin Harrison is engaged with living systems and permaculture and based in Australia
Open file 785
Economy and Society
Jeff Smith commentary on US
Jeff Smith commentary on a filternews article about some legislation would change things to satisfy Occupy Wall Street
Open file 790
People ... Kenya
Peter Ongele
Peter Ongele aims to improve the productivity of agriculture in a community in Western Kenya
Open file 793
People Who Make a Difference
Abdel Bari Atwan
Abdel Bari Atwan was born in Gaza, Palestine, and his life reflects the struggles of this people. But Abndel Bari has risen above problems in a very productivc way.
Open file 798
The Middle East Institute in the USA
The Middle East Institute in the USA ...
Open file 799
Robin Harrison
Robin Harrison is engaged with living systems and permaculture and based in Australia
Open file 785
Is the world too big to fail?
Noam Chomsky explains how the global order of power has been created and describes the mechanisms behind its continuity.
Open file 633
US Politics
Rachel Maddow September 26, 2011
VIDEO About Speaker Boehner's performance as a Congessional leader
Open file 621
US Politics
Rachel Maddow September 26, 2011
Open file 624
Economic Dynamics
Steady State Economy
Herman Daly on the 2008 Credit Crisis, Financial Assets, and Real Wealth
Open file 614
Economic Dynamics
Steady State Economy
Comment stream from essay by Herman Daly on the 2008 Credit Crisis, Financial Assets, and Real Wealth
Open file 615
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
US Politics ... Elizabeth Warren ... progressive voice of reason
Elizabeth Warren, a US Senate candidate and voice of reason amid madness, has a way of speaking about progressive values that makes people listen.
Open file 606
AlJazeera English ... Opinion
The great debt scare
Robert Schiller notes the drop in economic confidence was sharper in July 2011 than it was in 2008, due to fears of a US debt default.
Open file 610
Global Economics
Official Development Assistance (ODA)
Beyond Aid. Speech by World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick
Open file 622

Open file 402

Open file 403

Open file 404

Open file 405

Open file 406

Open file 407

Open file 408

Open file 409

Open file 410

Open file 413

Open file 419 Stiglitz

Open file 434 Pervez Musharraf

Open file 435 Paul Bremmer

Open file 438 President of Niger

Open file 455 Chris Hedges

Open file 457 Michael Van Notten

Open file 464 Norman Macrae

Open file 488

Open file 493

Open file 494

Open file 503

Open file 504

Open file 505

Open file 543 Steve Jobs

Open file 544 Steve Jobs

Open file 545

Open file 572 Nir Rosen

Open file 574 Nir Rosen

Open file 606 Elizabeth Warren

Open file 610 Robert Schiller

Open file 622 Robert Zoellick

Open file 624 TRMS

Open file 625 Lisa Hall

Open file 630 Thomas Hoenig

Open file 633 Noam Chomsky

Open file 2201 Arianna Huffington

Open file 2202 Henry Paulson

Open file 2207 Technical

Open file 2211

Open file 2212 Benjamin Black

Open file 2223 Rocky Mountain Institute

Open file 2224 John Rohm

Open file 2267 Nigeria

Open file 2268 Richard Wolff
Richard Wolff
Open file 2269
Richard Wolff
Open file 2275
Open file 2274
Cesar Hidalgo
Open file 2298
Dylan Ratigan
Open file 2314
Dylan Ratigan
Open file 2317
Dylan Ratigan
Open file 2330
Open file 2323
Open file 2364

Open file 2371 Muhammad Yunus

Open file 2372 Muhammad Yunus

Open file 2380

Open file 2387 President Taylor

Open file 2389 Dean Baker

Open file 2390 Adam Smith

Open file 2391 Dan Hind

Open file 2397 President of World Bank

Open file 2398 President Putin

Open file 2522

Open file 2551

Open file 2584

Open file 2587

Open file 2588

Open file 2590

Open file 2608

Open file 2614

Open file 2615

Open file 2783

Open file 2784

Open file 2964

Open file 3011

Open file 3013

Open file 3034

Open file 3233 TPB friends

Open file 3261

Open file 3477

Open file 3566 Rich people

Open file 3567 Rich people

Open file 1075 May be list !!!

Open file 3706

Open file 3717

Open file 3718

Open file 3720

Open file 3727

Open file 3744

Open file 3844

Open file 3845

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TrueValueMetrics (TVM) is an Open Source / Open Knowledge initiative. It has been funded by family and friends. TVM is a 'big idea' that has the potential to be a game changer. The goal is for it to remain an open access initiative.
The information on this website may only be used for socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and limited low profit purposes
Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved.